Here’s a look at the muskie, the canceled Pixel 2 XL made by HTC

When we heard rumors about the Pixel 2 line in 2017, we found that the company was working on two devices code-named ‘walleye’ and ‘muskie’. Soon after, we learned of a third device called ‘taimen’, which led many to believe that Google was planning to launch three Pixel devices. But that didn’t end up being the case, since Google launched just two devices that year – the Pixel 2 made by HTC (walleye) and the Pixel 2 XL (taimen) made by LG. The Pixel 2 XL (muskie) manufactured by HTC has been totally canceled, and a new practical video sheds some light on why this may have happened.

The practical video of HTC’s canceled Pixel 2 XL prototype comes from YouTuber Calyx Hikari and gives us a close look at its design. As you can see in the video, the prototype shares its rear panel design with the Pixel 2 XL made by LG. It has the same two-tone finish with a single camera with flash in the upper left corner and a circular fingerprint scanner in the middle. But up front, things are completely different.

Unlike the relatively thin bezels of the Pixel 2 XL, ‘muskie’ features huge upper and lower bezels that give it a dated appearance. This could probably be one of the many reasons behind Google’s decision to file the device. In my opinion, Google made the right choice. Because if the company went ahead with the HTC prototype, it would look ugly compared to other flagships of its time.

The video also gives us a brief overview of the software running on the prototype using a wireless mouse, as the device does not appear to have a working touchscreen. The About phone section shows that the device is running Android 8.0 Oreo with Android security patches from May 2017. It also confirms the code name ‘muskie’.

What do you think of muskie? Do you think it would have been as well received as the Pixel 2 XL made by LG? Let us know in the comments section below.
