Here are the executive actions that Biden will take this week

Joe BidenJoe BidenDC residents took the opportunity to pay for National Guard meals. Joe Biden could bring ‘unity’ – to the Middle East Biden shouldn’t let defeating cancer take the back seat to COVID MORE he will spend the second week of his presidency in the same way he spent the first: signing a series of executive actions aimed at reversing certain policies of the Trump administration while implementing his own.

This week Biden will focus on immigration, health, climate and other areas, with each day following a designated theme. Here are the items Biden must act on, according to a memo obtained by The Hill.

Monday: ‘Buy American’ Day

Biden is expected to sign an executive order instructing agencies to strengthen the requirements for them to acquire goods and services from American companies and workers.

During the campaign, Biden pledged to make a $ 400 billion investment during his first term in federal product purchases made by American workers.

In addition, he pledged to reduce loopholes and exemptions that allowed federal agencies to buy products produced abroad and to crack down on misleading advertising about products that claimed to be made in the United States.

Old President TrumpDonald TrumpNYT: Deputy Perry played a role in Trump’s alleged plan to expel AG Arizona GOP censors leading state Republicans McCain, Flake and Ducey Biden and the UK Prime Minister discuss NATO, multilateralism during call MORE signed an executive buy-and-rent-Americans order during his first months in office, which aimed to increase domestic wages while restricting the flow of certain visa holders.

Tuesday: ‘Capital’ day

On Tuesday, Biden will sign a wide range of executive orders related to racial equality.

The president must establish a policing commission and reinstate Obama-era rules on the transfer of military-style equipment to local officials. He must also sign an executive order instructing the Department of Justice to improve prison conditions and begin to eliminate the use of private prisons.

Other executive actions scheduled for Tuesday include a memo directing agencies to strengthen engagement with American Indian tribes, a memorandum ordering the Department of Housing and Urban Development to promote equality in housing, and an order rejecting discrimination against the Asian community. American and Pacific Islands.

The last issue surfaced at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, when Americans of Asian origin said they were persecuted because the virus originated in China.

Some of the executive actions that Biden is likely to take on Tuesday are still being finalized and may include additional measures around immigration and reverse the ban on transsexual troops serving in the armed forces.

A memo predicting Biden’s expected actions for his first few weeks in office also included provisional actions on voting rights and sentencing actions at the Department of Justice.

Wednesday: ‘Climate’ Day

Biden will announce plans on Wednesday for a US-based leadership summit to be held on Earth Day as one of several actions aimed at tackling the climate crisis.

A memo outlining impending orders also signals that Biden will sign an executive order that initiates a series of regulatory actions to “combat climate change internally and elevate climate change as a national security priority”, although it does not offer additional details.

The general order will also reestablish the Presidential Council of Advisers on Science and Technology, as well as a memorandum urging agencies to make decisions based on available science and evidence.

Biden on his first day in office resumed the United States’ commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement and signed an executive order revoking a key license for the Keystone XL pipeline and discontinuing the oil and gas lease at an Alaskan wildlife refuge .

Thursday: ‘Health’ Day

Biden will take on Thursday the highly anticipated action among defenders of the right to choose to terminate Mexico City’s so-called policy, which prohibits the use of US funding for foreign organizations that provide or promote abortions.

The policy, described as a “global gag rule” by defenders of reproductive health, was first instituted by then President Reagan and was repeatedly rescinded by Democratic presidents and reinstated by Republican presidents in the following years.

Biden will also request a review of the Trump administration’s controversial changes to the Title X family planning program, which has required family planning providers participating in the program to stop providing or promoting abortions to remain eligible for funding.

The president must also sign an executive order in order to strengthen Medicaid and start an open enrollment period under the Accessible Care Act.

Trump often boasted about destroying the Affordable Care Act by terminating the individual mandate, although Republicans could not fully repeal the law as promised.

Friday: ‘Immigration’ Day

Biden will build on some of the immigration-related actions he took on his first day in office with some additional executive orders to be signed on Friday.

The president, according to the memo obtained by The Hill, is likely to sign an order related to regional migration and border processing that will rescind the Trump administration’s policies around the asylum system and direct the creation of strategies to address the causes of migration from Central America.

Biden will also sign an order establishing a task force to reunite separate migrant families during the Trump administration. Biden himself faced criticism during the Democratic primaries for the Obama administration’s deportation policies, but the Trump administration implemented an official zero-tolerance policy that led to the separation of thousands of migrant families.

The president will also sign an order requiring an immediate review of the public collection rule “and other actions to remove barriers and restore confidence in the legal immigration system, including improving the naturalization process.”

A fourth order, establishing principles to guide the implementation of the Refugee Admission Program, is provisionally scheduled for Friday, but can be discarded or changed, according to the memo.
