Heidi Cruz reportedly invited neighbors to Cancún

Senator Ted Cruz, Texas’ wife, allegedly boasted of the couple’s trip to sunny Cancun, Mexico, amid the “ICE” climate that plagues the Lone Star State – and invited several neighbors to accompany them on their tour .

The Republican lawmaker, who flew home on Thursday amid outrage over his trip during the single storm in his life, claimed he was just accompanying his daughters and friends on the flight.

But leaked messages obtained by local news agency Reform Austin reveal that his wife, Heidi, invited friends and neighbors for an escape at the Ritz-Carlton, where she noted that the price of a room was $ 309 plus tax.

“Can anyone or wants to go out during the week? We can go to Cancún, there are direct flights at 4:45 pm and hotels with capacity, ”she reportedly wrote on Wednesday morning, according to the outlet.

“Seriously. Covid test to go back, which we will do there,” she added.

“You are warm enough … We have a fireplace! Inform us. Our house is FREEZING, although that’s why we stayed w … last night I couldn’t take it anymore ”, Heidi Cruz reportedly wrote in the topic, which contained some words written.

Austin Reform said it obtained messages from a neighborhood chat group in River Oaks, the affluent neighborhood where the senator lives when he is in Houston.

Cruz, who was criticized for the trip as his state staggered through catastrophic weather, shortened his trip to the Mexican resort by two days and returned on Thursday.

In a previously released statement, he blamed his daughters for the escape, saying he was just accompanying them to Mexico. After landing in the United States, he apologized for the deaf trip, but doubled his parenting skills.
