Hear a new song from a child with sounds recorded in the womb

Sacred Bones announced the release of a debut novel by little Luca Yupanqui and released a video of his new song “V4.3 pt. 2, ”as Pitchfork reports. Appropriately titled Sounds of the unborn, the LP was recorded while Luca was in the womb. The album arrives on April 2nd.

The music video for meditative music includes Super 8 footage shot during recording sessions, which artist Victoria Keddie later processed with analog equipment.

Sounds of the unborn it was done using “MIDI biosonic technology” to translate Luca’s movements into musical notes that were sent to synthesizers. According to the video description, the child’s parents, bassist Elizabeth Hart and Iván Diaz Mathé, who collaborated with Lee “Scratch” Perry, connected the technology to Hart, “transcribing his vibrations for Iván’s synthesizers”.

They recorded five-hour sessions and the pair “edited and mixed the results of the sessions, respecting the sounds as they were produced, trying to intervene as little as possible, allowing Luca’s message to exist in its raw form”.
