Health officials report 193 new cases of COVID-19, with no new deaths

SANTO ANTÓNIO – The San Antonio Metropolitan Sanitary District reported 202,550 total cases of COVID-19 and 3,071 total deaths in Bexar County, an increase of 193 new cases as of Sunday. No new deaths were reported today.

The total case count includes 665 overdue reports and the total number of deaths includes 74 deaths from December 25, 2020 to March 4, 2021.

Health officials also reported that 188 patients are hospitalized, 76 are in the intensive care unit and 45 are on ventilators.

There are 18% of the beds available and 71% of the fans available.

More than 900,000 first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine will be shipped from Texas this week, according to state health officials.

The Texas State Department of Health Services announced the shipment on Friday, and said the state is allocating 685,470 doses to at least 481 providers in 183 counties.


For more information on this vaccine shipment, or how many doses will be allocated to Bexar County, click here.


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