HBO Max Sizzle Reel causes ‘Mortal Kombat’, ‘Space Jam 2’, ‘The Suicide Squad’ and more – / Film

HBO Max Sizzle Reel

Warner Bros. Pictures is changing the theatrical release model this year, releasing its entire list of films simultaneously in theaters and on HBO Max for a limited time. 1984 Wonder Woman was the first to try this strategy, but the studio wanted to go much further, sending films like Godzilla vs. Kong, Mortal combat, Space Jam: a new legacy, The Suicide Squadand more for the streaming service. Now, a new sizzle spool from HBO Max causes all premieres on the same day throughout 2021.

HBO Max Sizzle Reel for same day premieres

On this sizzling reel, you’ll find footage (or at least a title treatment) of all the films below, some of which we are seeing for the first time. We link the full trailers for all movies when possible, and for all other movies, we direct you to articles with information about the titles.

Interestingly, the final title card that we see simply says Matrix, which may imply that the film is getting rid of “the” and adopting the simple title reset approach, without adding a number or caption after it. There is also the possibility that the final title has not yet been determined and is just a marker. Since the film does not reach until December 22, 2021, they have time to find out.

If all of these films follow in the footsteps of Wonder Woman 1984, then these titles will be available on HBO Max for 30 days, and then the film will continue to be shown in theaters until the traditional cinema window runs out before the film goes to 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray and DVD. On the one hand, it would be nice to see some of these films at home while going to the cinema is not the safest option. But fortunately, as we enter the second half of 2021, we will be able to go to the cinemas without much concern.

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