HBO Max announces Bon Appetit satire Enjoy your meal

Illustration for the article entitled HBO Max to extract some comedy from the implosion of the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen

Photograph: JP Yim / Getty Images for Band of Outsiders

A little less than a year has passed since a big implosion at the food store owned by Conde Nast Enjoy your food– stimulated by a photo in editor Adam Rapodoor in blackface, which sparked a broader conversation about diversity (or lack thereof) in the company that led to a series of high-level editors and employees who leave– drew the attention of the internet, destroying the image of high school cooking promoted by the brand Test kitchen series of videos. The problems in Enjoy your food were, in fact, so widespread that they even managed to affect a project just by trying to cover the drama, as the popular Reply all podcast faced its to have counting on diversity and inclusion earlier this year, after trying to do a series about what happened at the feed site. It is a powerful substance, that is all we are saying.

And maybe, too, hilarious? This is the hope apparently fostered by HBO Max, with THR communicating that the streaming service started to develop a new comedy series entitled Enjoy your meal, with a focus on satirizing the hypocrisy of the world of food media and presenting contributions / consultations from Ryan Walker-Hartshorn, former Rapoport assistant and the only black woman on the company team at the time, it all happened. Walker-Hartshorn was one of several voices who spoke about the company’s problems after Rapoport’s photos emerged, highlighting a workplace where people of color were often discriminated against and where Rapoport fostered cultural inequalities from the EIC office. All of this, presumably, will have a slightly less depressing bias institutionally with the show, which is being written and produced by Insecurein Amy Aniobi. And, hey: the logline even has a fun pun on food, noting that the show is going be inspired by the multiple media scandals of the summer of 2020 and today, focusing on a cohort of young colored assistants who stand up to destroy their cutting-edge corporate culture. Cookies! That’s funny.
