Hawley faces pressure from Senate Republicans over Electoral College plans

McConnell also expressed concern that the vote could hurt Republican senators who face tough general election struggles to alienate moderate voters. Opposition to the Republican Party-led objection, meanwhile, could hurt Republicans’ primary prospects by alienating voters who are convinced that the election was stolen from Trump.

The confrontation illustrates the emerging tensions between Hawley and Republican leaders. While the Missouri senator is trying to polish his anti-establishment credentials and fill his fundraising coffers before a potential presidential run in 2024, the Republican Party hierarchy is looking to protect incumbent senators. Regardless of the outcome of Georgia’s run-off elections next week, neither party will have firm control over the Senate heading for the 2022 mid-term elections.

A Hawley spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

During the call, McConnell described Wednesday’s vote as one of the most monumental votes the senators have ever cast. According to several people familiar with the discussion, the leader of the Republican Party in the Senate has also asked Hawley several times to explain how his objection would unfold.

While waiting for an answer from the absent Hawley, the chairman of the Republican National Senatorial Committee, Todd Young (Indiana), noted: “Certainly Josh Hawley is having technological problems because he would like to talk about such an important issue.”

Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey pushed Hawley during the conversation, doing what one person reported on the comments described as a hard-hitting denunciation. The Missouri senator focused his objections on Pennsylvania, arguing that Pennsylvania and other states have failed to comply with their own electoral laws.

A spokesman for Toomey confirmed the report, saying: “Sen. Toomey made his opinion on Senator Hawley’s planned objection clear. He strongly disagrees. ”

Some Republicans expressed annoyance that Hawley had missed the call, noting that the senator announced his plans the day before and should have anticipated questions about it. Some say they have struggled in recent days to define Hawley’s thinking.

Instead, Hawley sent an email to Senate Republicans after the call ended.

“If you’ve been talking to people at home, I’m sure you know how deeply angry and disillusioned many, many people are – and how frustrated that Congress hasn’t taken any action,” wrote Hawley in the email, which was reported for the first time by Axios.

“I strongly believe that there should be a thorough parliamentary investigation and also a list of electoral integrity legislation,” added Hawley. “I intend to object during the certification process on January 6, in order to force these issues to the fore and point out the unprecedented failure of states like Pennsylvania to follow their own electoral laws and the unprecedented efforts of Big Tech corporations to interfere with the election. “

Hawley started using his high profile maneuver to fill his fundraising account. On Thursday afternoon, he sent an appeal to donors asking for their support.

“As you can imagine, I am being pressured by the Washington and Wall Street establishment to ignore the will of the people and to avoid raising this issue. But I don’t respond to any system, I respond to the American worker, ”wrote Hawley in the email.

The 41-year-old man has been making a noise since he entered the Senate two years ago, presenting himself as a stranger determined to take on technology companies. He also closely aligned himself with Trump, whose support helped catapult Hawley to victory in 2018.
