Hate made my Asian American mother a recluse. This is not the country for which she left her homeland

It is not because of the virus, as Covid-19 continues to spread in my home state of California. It is because she is absolutely sure that, as an Asian woman older than a limp, she will be the target of violence.

Since the horrific news of the Atlanta shootings was released, I have been stuck in this latent rage while watching events from afar here in Hong Kong. I cannot hug my American family and friends. I can only communicate through screens and scrolling destruction online.

They said it was too early to call Tuesday’s shootings a hate crime, although six of the eight victims who were shot in three different locations were Asian women.
The alleged sniper was said to be “having a bad day” and suffering from “sex addiction” after innocent Asian women were murdered while working to support themselves or their families.

This is the kind of thinking that fuels the sick stereotype that Asian Americans are “TOTALLY WELL” and are not the target of racist violence.

How many more members of the community need to be beaten, attacked or slaughtered before this is widely recognized?

Let’s look at the statistics. Anti-Asian hate crimes in the U.S. increased by 150% during the pandemic, according to the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino.
About 3,800 anti-Asian racist incidents occurred last year, with 68% of cases targeting women, according to a new survey published this week in Stop AAPI Hate.
Protesters wearing masks and posters participate in a demonstration "Love Our Communities: Build Collective Power" to raise awareness of anti-Asian violence, at the National Japanese American Museum in Little Tokyo in Los Angeles, California, on March 13, 2021.
There have been increasing attacks against Asian Americans, especially older members of the community who are now afraid to leave their homes.

In February last year, my mother started to isolate herself during the outbreak just to avoid the comments and looks she received while wearing a mask outside.

She told me on FaceTime with a self-deprecating laugh: “It’s allergy season too. I’m too afraid to sneeze or ‘cough while I’m Asian’.”

But the micro-aggressions continued: people coughing at her, someone saying “you must be from Wuhan”, another asking, “Why are Asians so paranoid?”

As the pandemic dragged on, these casual slanders turned to next-level fanaticism. Elderly Asian citizens were robbed, shredded and killed while the number of hate crimes against Asian Americans increased.

And I find myself dreaming of being able to teleport my mother here to Asia.

She could wear a mask without being judged.

She could venture into her favorite macaroni and meat restaurant without fear of being knocked over.

She could be left alone and perhaps even respected.

This morning, to lift her spirits, I sent her a viral video from a local San Francisco story. An elderly Asian woman who defended herself against a man who attacked her. The images showed him leaving him on a stretcher with injuries.

But what I ended up as an “equalizing” moment of street justice, my mother saw as another tragic example of hatred and discrimination.

She highlights the revealing details in the video that shows how the abuser is on a stretcher and receiving medical care while the woman, screaming and crying, is left alone to take care of her wounds and traumas.

“That poor old woman could have been me,” my mother tells me.

And she is absolutely right.
