Harry, Meghan could lose titles as Duke, Duchess of Sussex

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle risk losing their titles as Duke and Duchess of Sussex by breaking their deal with Megxit on Oprah TV on Sunday night, according to reports.

Royal courtiers met last week to discuss the withdrawal of the couple’s titles and to tear up the “Sandringham summit” agreement made a year ago involving his leaving life as senior royalty, sources told The London Times.

“I don’t think that after this interview, anything is out of the question, to be honest,” a source from the royal house told the UK newspaper, referring to the potential divestment of the duo’s titles.

Such a move would be “a big step,” admitted the source – emphasizing that it highlights how “angry” Queen Elizabeth II is about the “circus” surrounding Oprah Winfrey’s special that airs on CBS at 8 pm.

A source told the UK newspaper that Harry and Meghan are “playing with fire” with the “very high stakes” interview.

Still, another source close to the queen who confirmed Palace’s discussions during the TV chat insisted that “the titles are not up for debate,” the Times emphasized.

A source said: “The answer will depend a lot on whether they go after the institution or the people” in the royal family.

Queen Elizabeth II, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attend an airfare to mark the centenary of the Royal Air Force from the balcony of Buckingham Palace
Queen Elizabeth II, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attend an airfare to mark the centenary of the Royal Air Force from the balcony of Buckingham Palace
Getty Images

“If they go after people, people will go out swinging. The institution can take the blows, the people do not, ”said the source.

“The institution is not at war, the Sussex are at war.”
