Hannity guides Biden administration rather than government by executive order, ‘propagandist’ promise of unity

“Hannity” host Sean Hannity labeled White House press secretary Jennifer Psaki “propagandist” in his opening monologue and pointed to the fact that President Biden made adamant statements last year that he would rule executive order would be to govern as a “dictator”.

Hannity said that Psaki probably did not dive into Central American communities while the government “with a stroke of the pen” canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and with it thousands of well-paid union jobs from Alberta, Canada to Texas.

“So much for the unity that Joe Biden promised. Instead of uniting the Americans, he does the exact opposite,” said Hannity. “In fact, he seems perfectly happy to go it alone. As of now, Joe Biden has signed a record of 40 executive orders and counting.”

“He says’ this is not a dictatorship – you have to get the [congressional] votes, this is a democracy. “He’s not trying to get to Congress to get his agenda approved, he’s sticking it in our throat with a stroke of a pen, altering people’s lives in ways that are so damaging.”

“According to White House press secretary, propagandist Jen Psaki, Joe loves bipartisanship,” continued the presenter. “These are words, that is not true.”

He cited a recent interview between Psaki and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, in which the presidential spokeswoman said Biden wakes up every morning wanting to find ways to get to the other side of the political corridor.

“He starts every day thinking, ‘I want to be able to work with Democrats and Republicans, and there is a reason why they work with me.’ Are Republicans now opposed to the reopening of schools? Are they against receiving unemployment insurance checks for the American people? Are they against receiving vaccines in the arms of Americans? she asked.

Hannity called the comments “fascinating” and opined that Psaki does not know how the working class lives:


“No, Jen, I don’t know if you’ve talked to anyone outside your little DC Bubble, so let me inform you: Men and women who work hard are against prisoners in Gitmo – apparently next week – being pushed forward of the vaccine line. This is not America First, “he said.

“They are against sending doses of the vaccine to other countries before every American in this country has a chance to get it first,” he continued, adding that this and other developments show that Biden turned former President Donald Trump into ” America First “policies in” America Last “.

He said that American enemies like Iran will become richer with Biden’s actions in destroying the pipeline, adding that he will no longer allow America to be energy independent.

The host added that Democrats are wasting America’s time on Trump’s impeachment trial, calling it “Schiff Show” – in reference to Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., A prominent impeachment manager, and pointing out reports that the Capitol riot was planned days before the former president spoke at the White House Ellipse.

“Democrats are wasting their time across the country as they did five years ago, they are wasting their money and it is all an effort to spread Donald Trump among his supporters,” said Hannity.
