Hannity detonates Biden’s performance at the news conference: “Our enemies are watching, this is embarrassing”

In the opening monologue at “Hannity” on Thursday, host Sean Hannity criticized President Biden’s press conference earlier in the day, in which he used notes to answer questions from a friendly White House press corps.

HANNITY: Our enemies are watching, this is embarrassing. Have you ever seen an American president trust a book of glue sheets before? To answer a simple question at a press conference? It’s pathetic. It’s embarrassing. And let’s be clear, the complacent media crowd wasn’t exactly playing ball for Joe. They were incredibly polite and kind.

Hannity also asked who was actually running the White House, saying that if President Biden is not fit for the job, he shouldn’t be doing the job.

HANNITY: A competent president should not have to prepare for days on end to answer a few simple questions. This is the most difficult job in the world. An imposing job 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ask yourself: do you think Joe – the American people – is up to the job, to perform well even at a press conference? After practicing for days, what is he able to do? Nothing? Why, honestly, do we really need to ask who’s running the show on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Is Vice President Harris? Is Chief of Staff Ron Klain? Is it Schumer? Is it Pelosi? Barack Obama is it? Is it Susan Rice? Because it is certainly not the fragile, weak and cognitive impaired guy that we all witness today. If Joe Biden is not able to do the job, he shouldn’t be at work. A lot is at stake. And our enemies are watching.

