Halcyon 6 is free now at the Epic Games Store and Rage 2 is on the deck

You can also get the Absolute Drift on February 18th

In all the hustle and bustle of yesterday’s news about the Kingdom Hearts series joining the Epic Games Store exclusively, I forgot to post a reminder about this week’s library padder: Halcyon 6.

If you are in the mood to explore space, base management and turn-based battle, you may want to obtain a copy of Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander while it’s free until February 18, 2021. It’s kind of a big brain 4X strategic thinking mess and a little bit of FTL spontaneity, to sum up.

Case in point, factors such as the characteristics of their officers, their base construction and their diplomatic feats will generate “history events (often with multiple choice results) that can lead to fighting, applied time-related bonuses / negatives, changes of official attributes or any number of crazy stories in the game. “

Halcyon 6 is the only freebie today, but next week, we’re getting two: Anger 2 and Absolute Deviation.

As prolific as it may be, I feel strange because I never touched the Fury series – well, even more so the first game, which seemed like a big deal in 2011. There is probably no going back, but it’s not too late for the sequel.

Disclosure-bot: If the publisher has forgotten to mention it, we have no control over when business starts and ends. Sometimes business can be over in minutes (please don’t shoot the messenger). Trying offer links even hours after the timestamp of this article can lead to self-service, so you may want to check our video game offers if you’re on the hunt. In addition, it goes without saying, but some shopping links directly support the author. If you have detected any inaccuracies, please let us know as soon as possible.

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