Hadassah: 32-year-old mother and her unborn child die of COVID-19

Osnat Ben Shitrit, 32, and his fetus died of COVID-19 on Saturday night after receiving treatment at Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem, the hospital reported Sunday morning.
“My daughter was taken from us in her 30s with four children,” her mother Roni Siani told Canal 13. “She was a flower.”
Ben Shitrit, a haredi resident of Givat Ze’ev, was admitted to the hospital last Tuesday when she started experiencing respiratory problems. Her condition deteriorated rapidly until she suffered from multiple organ failure.
A multidisciplinary medical team has made efforts to treat her, including prolonged resuscitation efforts, the hospital said. The 30-week fetus she was carrying was born from an emergency caesarean section in an effort to save him.
Despite their mother being linked to an ECMO machine and the team’s heroic work, the two died. She had no underlying medical conditions.
Ben Shitrit was buried on Sunday afternoon at the Har Hamenuhot cemetery in Jerusalem.
During the funeral, her husband and children wept over her body and praised her.

“You were a valiant woman,” said her husband, Yehudah. “A week ago, you told me you dreamed that you saw your funeral … I beg your pardon. I love you. I promise that I will take care of our children … What will I do without you? “

He asked his late wife to pray for his family from heaven.
Hadassah team members were very moved by the loss, the hospital said.
“The entire Hadassah team shares the family’s great pain,” the newspaper said in a statement.
Last week, a 25-week fetus died at Samson Assuta Ashdod University Hospital after contracting COVID-19 from his mother. The fetus contracted the virus through what is known as vertical transmission, which means that it was actually transmitted from the mother to the baby by the placenta.
This was the first fetus to die that way in Israel.
According to the teacher. Arnon Wiznitzer, obstetrician and gynecologist at Rabin Medical Center-Beilinson Campus in Petah Tikva, so far, in only 1% to 3% of cases worldwide a pregnant mother has directly transmitted the virus to her baby.
The country opened vaccination for pregnant women last month after it became clear that the third wave of coronavirus is reaching younger people.

More than 2,500 pregnant women were hospitalized with COVID-19 in January, and a plethora of babies were born prematurely while their mothers struggled to survive in intensive care units.

Currently, there are 50 pregnant women or puerperal women hospitalized with the virus, 10 of whom are in critical condition.

In previous waves, pregnant women were not considered to be at high risk for severe cases of coronavirus.
Health experts believe the rise in youth against coronavirus is linked to the British mutation. Genetic sequencing of several pregnant Israeli women revealed that they were infected with the variant.
Earlier this month, when the Emek Medical Center in Afula had three pregnant women in serious condition at the same time, the head of the Childbirth and Childbirth ward, Dr. Raed Salim, asked the women to get vaccinated.
“I recommend that pregnant women and women planning to become pregnant get vaccinated against the coronavirus soon,” he said.
Dr. Ortal Neeman, director of maternal and fetal medicine at Samson Assuta Ashdod University Hospital, said on Sunday: “The dilemma about whether to be vaccinated is understandable, but unjustified. To date, no women have been diagnosed with coronavirus in Israel after a second vaccination. “

She called on women to “take care of themselves and their fetuses. Any deliberation carries an unnecessary possibility of infection. “

Ben Shitrit’s family said she was hesitant to vaccinate due to the misinformation she received on social media.
