Gwyneth Paltrow reveals that she is a Long-Hauler COVID-19 with “cure” yet to be done

Gwyneth Paltrow revealed that she contracted COVID-19 early in the pandemic and has persistent symptoms.

That would place the Oscar-winning actor “Shakespeare in Love” among the 10% of long-distance coronavirus patients, according to the researchers.

In a recent post entitled “Healing my body for a long-term detox” on his GOOP lifestyle website, Paltrow casually abandoned the revelation after an introduction on how to clean up his diet.

“A little history: I had COVID-19 at first, and it left me with a little long-tail fatigue and brain fog,” she wrote. “In January, I did some tests that showed really high levels of inflammation in my body.

Paltrow said she consulted a functional medicine practitioner, who told her that “the road to healing would be longer than normal” and placed her on a plant and keto-based regimen. The Iron Man star spent much of the rest of his article selling products on his GOOP website.

Long-term tests for the disease are negative, but the impact remains. “This condition can affect anyone – old and young, healthy people and those struggling with other illnesses,” according to UC-Davis Health. “It has been seen in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and in patients with very mild symptoms.”

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