Guarda SC members help in responding to COVID-19 vaccine calls

COLOMBIA, SC (WMBF) – If you are calling the South Carolina hotline for help with making an appointment for the COVID-19 vaccine, a member of the National Guard or the South Carolina State Guard may be on the other side.

On Tuesday, the South Carolina Emergency Management Department tweeted photos of Guard members answering phone calls in support of the Department of Health and Environmental Control’s efforts to have an open hotline to provide assistance to people seeking an appointment. vaccine.

DHEC said on Monday that it has an average of 24,000 calls a day. Last week, the agency doubled the dedicated call operators to 61 people, but was working with Emergency Management to be able to answer more calls.

Several members of the SC State Guard and a dozen people from the National Guard are ...
Several members of the SC State Guard and a dozen National Guard people are working on a state COVID-19 phone line.(WRDW)

The emergency management phone line is often used to respond to hurricanes.

Several members of the SC State Guard and a dozen people from the National Guard are now hiring the phone line to help.

The CARE line is available at 855-472-3432 for individuals aged 70 and over.

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