Groundhog Day 2021: Punxsutawney Phil predicts 6 more winter weeks

Pennsylvania’s most famous marmot emerged from its den on a snowy Tuesday morning and saw its shadow, declaring that there would be another six weeks of winter. Members of Punxsutawney Phil’s “Inner Circle” woke the furry bug at 7:25 am to see if it would see its shadow or not.

The Groundhog Day show at Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, continued, but this year, it was all virtual because of coronavirus pandemic.

Pennsylvania’s most famous groundhog emerged from the snow and saw its shadow and declared that there would be six more winter weeks on Tuesday, February 2, 2021.

Shortly after this year’s forecast was revealed, one of the members of the inner circle shared a message that said Phil had told him earlier in the day: “After winter, are you looking forward to one of the most beautiful and brightest fountains that you” I already saw. “

Another member of the “inner circle” noted the uniqueness of last year.

“People have been referring to Groundhog Day. Sometimes it seems that we all live the same day over and over again,” said one member. “Groundhog Day also shows us that the monotony is over. The cycle will be broken.”

“Today is Groundhog Day, there is only one,” he added. “There is literally a new day on the horizon.”

According to records dating back to 1887, the Pennsylvania prognosticator predicted more winter more than 100 times. Last year, Phil predicted an early spring.

A live broadcast, which had over 15,000 viewers at one point, reproduced images from the previous Groundhog Day before the big reveal.

groundhog day
Groundhog Club handler AJ Dereume holds Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog meteorologist, while Vice President Tom Dunkel reads the scroll during the 135th Groundhog Day celebration at Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennyslvania, on Tuesday, 2 February 2021.

Barry Reeger / AP

Then, of course, the prognosticator of the prognosticators – aided by his Inner Circle – appeared at dawn. Tradition says that if he sees his shadow as he saw it this year, there will be six more winter weeks. Otherwise, spring comes early.

The live broadcast of Gobbler’s Knob, a small hill just outside Punxsutawney about 65 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, is made possible by the Pennsylvania Tourism Office’s Holi-stay PA. The event there, always on February 2, dates from 1887.

Phil this year, like many years in the past, gave his forecast during a big snowstorm that hit the entire Northeast.

Jeff Lundy, the president of the Groundhog Club, told CBS Pittsburgh: “I have been doing this for a long time. I really didn’t understand the economic impact so far. And now I see that, because many businesses they don’t understand” it doesn’t depend on the Day da Marmota, but it’s really that extra income that you may not get, so it had a very, very negative impact on the community. “
