Graham’s post-election call with Georgia’s Secretary of State will be investigated: report

Sen. Lindsey GrahamLindsey Olin GrahamGraham’s post-election call with Georgia’s Secretary of State will be investigated: report The Memorandum: Republican Party Senators face final vote on Trump We know how Republicans will vote – but what do they believe? MOSTThe post-election call from Fulton (RS.C.) with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) will be investigated as part of the investigation by Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis to see if President TrumpDonald TrumpCapitol Police does not cast a vote of confidence in the post-election call of Graham leaders with the Secretary of State for Georgia to be investigated: Trump report told McCarthy that protesters “more upset about the election than you” broke laws by trying to reverse the outcome of the 2020 elections, The Washington Post reported.

A person familiar with the investigation told the newspaper that the call would be “examined”, but warned that little is known about the call or whether it violated any law.

Kevin Bishop, a spokesman for Graham, told The Hill in a statement “it is a ridiculous charge that will be seen as ridiculous”.

“Senator Graham was asking about how the signature verification process worked. He never asked the Secretary of State to disqualify a ballot thrown by anyone, ”said Bishop. “The timing of this is also very curious. It appears to be a less than transparent effort to marginalize anyone who helps President Trump. ”

A spokesman for Willis told the Post that the office is investigating all attempts to improperly influence the election administration.

Raffensperger told the Post in November Graham asked if he had the authority to issue ballots in counties with high incompatible subscription fees. Raffensperger also said that Graham questioned whether voters accepted ballots with incompatible signatures.

Graham, a strong ally of Trump, later denied pressure Raffensperger did something illegal and insisted that he wanted to learn more about the process.

Willis announced the investigation on Wednesday, and educated state officials to keep records of Trump’s January 2 connection to Raffensperger, in which the then president told Raffensperger to “find” 11,780 votes, enough to overturn President bidenJoe BidenGraham’s post-election call with the Georgia Secretary of State will be investigated: Night Defense report: Pentagon and Congress appoint panel members to rename Confederate bases | Military approves 20 more coronavirus vaccination teams Lawmakers applaud officer Eugene Goodman MOREvictory in Georgia.

The announcement came two days after Raffensperger’s office announced that opened a separate probe in Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

Biden narrowly defeated Georgia in the election, becoming the first Democratic presidential candidate to hold office since 1992. The state used to be a target for Trump and his allies after the election, when they disputed the results.

Trump is facing an impeachment trial over the charge of inciting the January 6 rebellion on the United States Capitol, which interrupted the Biden Electoral College’s victory certification.
