Governor McMaster Proclaims South Carolina Life Science Week

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster recognized from 15 to 19 February 2021, as South Carolina Life Sciences Week in recognition of the growth of the life sciences industry in the state. The announcement was made during the conference of the South Carolina life sciences industry association, SCBIO.

The virtual conference had more than 600 registrants from all over the United States and around the world to discuss life sciences in Palmetto state.

“South Carolina has developed a strong reputation as an emerging leader in the life sciences,” said McMaster. “Our innovative companies and exceptional workforce are the main drivers for strengthening our economy and creating new opportunities for the people of South Carolina.”

Life sciences have an annual economic impact of more than $ 12 million for the state, SCBIO reported. Life science companies can be found in 42 of the 46 municipalities in the state. In South Carolina, more than 800 companies and 43,000 employees work in research, development and commercialization of innovative health products, medical devices, industrial, environmental and agricultural biotechnology.

More than 100 of these companies have worked to tackle the challenges that have arisen due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the governor’s proclamation. This included organizations working on the acquisition and distribution of personal protective equipment, COVID-19 tests and other health services.

“With an incredible pace of growth in the industry here, we know that life sciences will continue to play an extremely important role in our state’s economic success for generations to come,” said McMaster.

SCBIO 2020 annual report | Read the proclamation

South Carolina’s life sciences sector has doubled the number of companies and increased 40% in direct life science jobs since 2017, which combine to make it the fastest growing industry sector in the state, according to recent data provided by Dr. Joseph Von Nessen, the state’s research economist and economic development specialist at the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina.

“Life sciences are a major driver of South Carolina’s economy today, and this conference is proof of the industry’s growing impact, reach and rapidly growing economic importance in our state and country,” said SCBIO’s President and CEO , Sam Konduros. “We are honored with the recognition of Governor McMaster and we thank him for his personal support for the contributions that the life sciences are making to improve the quality of life, care and economic situation of the citizens of South Carolina.”
