Governor Brown warns companies not to reopen, to challenge COVID-19 orders

Execution of votes, until the closing of the ‘Red Alert Notice’; says politicians are calling for a faster reopening of ‘irresponsible’

SALEM, Oregon. (KTVZ) – Governor Kate Brown issued a stern warning on Thursday that Oregon companies that challenge their executive orders, which she said have reduced the spread of COVID-19, will face enforcement through fines or even ‘Alert Red ‘closing notices.

The Red Notices apply to companies that appear to intentionally violate the governor’s executive orders or that refuse to take corrective action, the governor’s office said.

These companies are closed until the dangerous condition is corrected. Violating a Red Alert Notice results in severe penalties, they added.

Under Oregon’s OSHA rules, a Red Alert Notice may close a company under the Oregon Safe Employment Act until “the condition has become safe and healthy”.

Some companies in central Oregon and elsewhere have promised to reopen as soon as Friday, January 1, despite statewide COVID-19 risk levels prohibiting such a move, claiming that they have been treated unfairly, as other large companies remain open and they can do so safely with measures planned in place.

Here is Governor Brown’s full statement:

“Oregon’s health and safety measures are in place to protect Oregon residents, save lives and prevent our hospitals and healthcare professionals from being overwhelmed by COVID-19. Oregon residents made incredible sacrifices during this pandemic, and now many communities across Oregon are reducing the spread of COVID-19 and moving to levels of risk that allow restaurants and businesses to reopen at least some in-house services.

“If companies reopen very early and instead create new spikes in COVID-19 cases, the actions of some business owners can delay entire communities and keep them in the extreme risk category for even longer.

“It’s unfortunate and irresponsible that some local politicians are choosing to intentionally induce business owners to compromise public health and risk fines, rather than working with their communities to help stop the spread of COVID-19 so that we can reopen businesses, schools and more quickly return to normal life.

“Let me be clear: Local elected officials have no authority, under Oregon law, to disregard my emergency orders or to authorize anyone else to do so. Any company that reopens in violation of state risk level requirements for its county will be subject to fines and enforcement.

“Undoubtedly, those same elected local officials who are encouraging companies to reopen fully and blatantly ignore public health are unlikely to have the support of companies when facing fines and penalties, nor are they willing to be held responsible for the public health impacts their actions create. .

“I am asking all Oregon companies to put the health of their communities first, following the guidelines we have for their counties. The vast majority of companies continue to do the right thing to protect their communities. However, when Oregon residents do not take COVID-19 seriously and take steps to reduce the spread of the disease, they put us all at risk.

“I instructed Oregon OSHA and the OLCC to deploy all available resources to ensure that companies are in compliance. I hope that enforcement agencies will continue to use an approach that prioritizes education, but Oregon residents need to understand that these rules are applicable under the law. For companies that refuse to comply, OSHA and OLCC employees are empowered to take administrative measures, including issuing citations, fines and Red Notices if necessary.

“Oregon led our response to COVID-19 and help is on the way for struggling companies. I proposed new rental relief features for businesses in the third special session and I hope that a new round of federal aid will be delivered soon. We cannot falter in our response to the virus now, when the end is finally in sight and resources are on the way. We are better than that. As we enter the new year, I am asking all Oregon residents, once again, to commit to making smart choices and to taking their individual responsibilities seriously during a public health emergency. ”
