GOP threatens to obstruct Mayorkas’ appointment as DHS secretary

In confirming the Republican obstruction party’s plans, Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn told reporters on Wednesday at Capitol Hill that “there are a number of problems” with the Mayorkas nomination.

Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer pushed for Mayorkas to be confirmed quickly, but Cornyn and other Senate Republicans argue that Mayorkas has not been properly examined on immigration issues and are calling for an additional hearing for his nomination.

The use of obstruction – to prevent nominations or legislation – has been a favorite tool of the minority party, something Schumer has often done in trying to sabotage and delay the Republican agenda under then President Donald Trump. In recent days, the continued use of obstruction in legislation has become a central point in a resolution that would allow the Senate 50-50 to organize itself officially, but it is unlikely that the strike tactic will be further destroyed in this Congress because of resistance from some moderate Democrats.

The Republicans’ planned objections to Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Homeland Security mean that Schumer would have to take procedural steps to overcome an obstruction in Mayorkas. The Senate Democratic leader would need 51 votes in the Senate to overcome the obstruction, a process that will certainly take several days in plenary unless an agreement is reached for a faster vote.

The Senate Homeland Security Committee held a broad hearing on the Mayorkas’ qualifications to lead the department last week and voted on Tuesday to advance the Mayorkas nomination.

Republican Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri tried to block Mayorkas ‘quick consideration after the hearing, arguing in a statement that Mayorkas had inadequately explained how he will protect the United States’ southern border.

In a letter on Tuesday, Cornyn led seven other Republican senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee, including Hawley, demanding a hearing for the Mayorkas before his panel.

They argued that Mayorkas spoke about “immigration priorities at length” during his January 19 hearing, proving that immigration issues will be a “main focus” of him, and that the Senate Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction over immigration issues.

“All members of the Committee should have the opportunity to hear Mr. Mayorkas directly and publicly discuss his plans with respect to the Department’s immigration components and functions,” wrote Republican lawmakers.

Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, who is due to chair the Judiciary Committee, told CNN: “I don’t see why this is necessary” and called the hearing request “entirely political”.

While several of Biden’s nominees have been confirmed and moved at a slower pace than some of their predecessors’ cabinet choices, Republicans had not yet threatened to obstruct a candidate until Wednesday. Mayorkas is now the first.

The department has been without a Senate-confirmed leader since Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was ousted in early 2019.

This story and headline were updated with additional developments Wednesday.

CNN’s Geneva Sands and Priscilla Alvarez contributed to this report.
