GOP lawmaker says he would approve $ 1,400 stimulus checks for people receiving the COVID-19 vaccine

Rep. Steve StiversSteven (Steve) Ernst StiversThe Hill’s Morning Report – Trump finally admits; Pressure from Republican Party Legislator 25th Amendment Increases Says He ‘Wouldn’t Oppose’ Removal of Trump Under the 25th Amendment, House Republicans Who Didn’t Sign the Texas Process MORE (R-Ohio) says it would be willing to give $ 1,400 stimulus checks to people receiving the coronavirus vaccine.

In an interview on Thursday with Yahoo LiveStivers discussed issues on which Republicans can work with President Biden, who called for a $ 1,400 increase in direct payments of $ 600 to Americans that Congress passed last year.

“Even in response to the pandemic, it is so important that we build collective immunity as quickly as possible. Although I am not in favor of giving a $ 1,400 stimulus check for anything, I would be willing to sign a $ 1,400 stimulus check for people who get the vaccine, ”said Stivers.

“And I hope the government will consider that option, because we actually bought something with our $ 1,400 and that is herd immunity,” he added.

Biden revealed his proposal last week $ 1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus and relief plan, which includes $ 1,400 in direct payments to Americans.

Some Republicans have signaled that they would not agree with Biden’s proposal in its current form, arguing that it would add a lot to the national debt, which has increased by 50 percent since the previous one. President TrumpDonald Trump leader Ian swears ‘revenge’ by posting an image similar to former Trump Sanders spokesman: Biden ‘moving away’ from ‘populist offers’ Justice Department to investigate the US attorney’s sudden departure in Atlanta after Trump’s criticisms MORE He took office.

Stivers said he would be willing to take on debts “for the right things”.

“The quickest thing we need to do, if we really want to help the American people, is to revive the economy – get people back to work, get kids back to school, get collective immunity, get the vaccine out as fast as we can. and increase the membership fee. That’s why I would be willing to accept a $ 1,400 stimulus check if people are willing to get the vaccine, “he said.

The US has been working to accelerate the delivery of the coronavirus vaccine after a slower-than-expected implementation. Biden set a goal to administer 100 million doses of vaccines in the first 100 days of his presidency.

More than 37.9 million vaccine doses were distributed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of which 17.5 million were administered.
