Google Photos brings new editing tools to Google One subscribers

Illustration for the article titled Google Photos is adding new editing tools, but you will have to pay

Photograph: Sam Rutherford

For people who have debated whether to pay Google for extra cloud storage or not, today Google just sweetened the deal by giving it a new photoediting tools for Google One subscribers.

On a blog post, Google described the new effects that will be added to Google Photos for people with Google One subscriptions, which include transferring resources previously available only on Pixel phones. The new effects even include support for photos taken by older phones that it doesn’t have the same set of depth sensors available on newer devices and any existing photos you’ve already taken.

New editing features include Portrait Blur and Portrait Lighting to help improve the photos you’ve taken of friends and family, along with Blur and Color Pop effects to help highlight a particular subject or emphasize specific tones and hues. And, as usual, you can apply these effects yourself or let Google Photos make your own edits through automatic suggestions.

There is even support for more advanced editing effects, which Google is calling itdynamic suggestions, which to use machine learning to adjust a variety of settings, including brightness, contrast and color saturation, all with a single touch. For landscape photographers, Google even made a special sky suggestion filter (example above) that can add a little more drama to your photo by adjusting various settings and overlaying a handful of color palettes “inspired by the sunrises and sunsets of breathtaking”.

The Portrait Lighting and Portrait Blur effects should work for even the oldest photos you’ve ever taken.
Gif: Google

In addition to the new effects, Google is also adding a new video editor to Google Photos for all users (even non-paying users) Over 30 different settings and controls, including trimming, stabilizing, adding filters, changing perspectives and more.

However, while resistant to be upset about getting new features for free, it’s important to mention that new Google Photos updates for Google One subscribers arrive just a few months before Google disables unlimited storage in Google Photos. Starting in June, anyone with more than 15 GB of photos will need to find another place to store their photos or pay $ 2 per month for 100 GB of cloud storage with Google One.

On the one hand, it’s always been clear that free unlimited storage on Google Photos was too good to last forever, but at the same time, the force change people for make a difficult decision on what to do with all the digital media they captured over the years.

Here is a preview of the new video editor in action.
Gif: Google

ÇWhen it comes to cloud storage, the 15 GB of free storage you get from Google Photos is already three times more space than you get from Apple iCloud or Microsoft OneDrive, offer only 5 GB of free storage. So if you already have limited storage on Google Photos, switching to one of the other big cloud storage providers is unlikely to save you any money.

And if you decide to opt for extra cloud storage, currently Google One and Microsoft OneDrive charges $ 2 per month for an extra 100 GB of space (or $ 3 per month for 200 GB with Google One), while Apple snake $ 1 per month for 50 GB or $ 3 per month for 200 GB. It’s a shame that Google Photos is no longer completely free, but Google One is still a good deal compared to the competition.

Google One subscribers on Android you will see the new photo editing features “In the coming days” and the new videoediting features (which are already available on iOS) will be available on Android in the “next few weeks”.
