Giant hair ball tears the teenager’s stomach, requiring surgery

A teenage girl in the UK who compulsively ate her own hair developed a huge hairball in her stomach that opened a hole in the stomach wall, according to a new report.

The oval-shaped ball of hair was 48 centimeters long and completely filled his stomach, according to the report, published on February 9 in the newspaper BMJ Case Reports.

The 17-year-old initially went to the hospital after passing out twice, injuring her face and scalp during falls.

A giant ball of hair, known medically as trichobezoar, was removed from the teenager's stomach.  The hair ball

A giant ball of hair, known medically as trichobezoar, was removed from the teenager’s stomach. The hairball “formed a mold of the entire stomach,” the authors noted. (Image credit: BMJ Case Reports 2021)
