Georgia voters have already voted

– The US postal service has agreed to take aggressive steps to ensure that ballots are counted in the second round of elections in Georgia. In a deal signed with civil rights groups, the USPS said it would treat all ballots that remain in processing centers within three days of the January 5 election as express mail, which is equivalent to delivery the next day, according to O Washington Post. The GOP Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are being challenged by Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in the election, the results of which will decide which party controls the Senate.

“The USPS must coordinate with Georgia (Elections Council) to make arrangements to deliver all entry ballots to the BOE before 7:00 pm, local time on January 5, 2020,” says the agreement, by CNN. The postal service promises other measures as well, including a scan of postal services to ensure that no votes are forgotten. More than 2 million Georgians have already voted, or about a quarter of registered voters in the state, reports Fox News. (Read more stories from the USPS.)
