Georgia Senate considers revoking unapologetic vote on comprehensive electoral bill

According to SB 241, voters would need to be 65 or older, absent from their constituency, observing a religious holiday, be required to provide constant care for someone with a physical disability, or required to work “for the protection of health, public safety or life for as long as the polls are open, “or be a foreign or military voter to qualify for an absent vote. The bill aims to undo a 2005 Republican-backed law that allows absentee voters to vote without excuse.
The legislation is expected to pass the Republican-led Senate on Monday, in an hour-long session that will also include the final debate and votes on at least 11 other pieces of legislation related to the elections. Once approved, the project will go to the Georgia House of Representatives, where it is expected to be approved in the coming weeks.
Across the country, state legislatures controlled by Republicans are relying on electoral falsehoods to mount aggressive changes to voting rules. As of February 19, lawmakers in more than 40 states had submitted more than 250 bills that included voting restrictions, according to a count from the liberal-minded Brennan Center For Justice at New York University, which is tracking the projects.
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Georgia Republican Party Senate Majority Leader Mike Dugan, the project’s main sponsor, said when introducing legislation in February that limiting absentee voting was necessary to reduce ballot processing costs, relieve stress on voters. local electoral workers and increase the certainty of absentee ballots are counted.

“All we are trying to do here is make sure we can pay, the offices can administer and voters are certain that their votes have really been counted,” said Dugan.

Senate President Butch Miller, also a Republican, told CNN that the legislation aims to boost confidence in Peach State’s electoral system after the 2020 elections.

“I want all the legal votes counted, in a timely and accurate manner, and I want better access for all voters. Even those of us who never claimed that the election was stolen recognize that the electorate has lost confidence in the legitimacy of the system. We must work to restore that, “said Miller in an e-mailed statement to CNN.

The project also creates identification requirements for requesting an absentee card, requiring anyone who does not have a state ID or state driver’s license to present a copy of an approved identity document when requesting an absentee card, as well as when sending their absentee ballot.

The bill would also establish and maintain a voter hotline in the state attorney’s office for complaints and allegations of electoral intimidation and illegal electoral activities, would require Georgia to participate in a multi-state electoral registration system to verify voter eligibility. it would limit the use of mobile polling stations, require a court order to extend voting time, and give the legislature authority to temporarily block any emergency changes to voting rules amid a series of changes to electoral law.

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Georgia’s Democratic lawmakers denounced the legislation as a setback to the record turnout of the 2020 election and the second rounds of January, which saw the state turn blue with President Joe Biden becoming the first Democrat to win the presidential election in Peach State. in almost three decades. And Georgia voters also elected two Democrats to the Senate in the second round of January.

“They (the Republicans) passed this law. They did not use it. The Democrats did. The Republican Party lost. And because of that, now, they want to change the laws back,” said Caucus Democrat President Senator Gloria. CNN Butler.

Voting rights activists say the bill would create additional barriers that “would restrict the freedom to vote”, while continuing unfounded allegations of electoral fraud by Republican Party officials.

“It is a double fight that we are in now: resisting this misinformation, which is extremely dangerous, and ahead of the vote itself, to ensure that these regressive projects are not turned into law,” said Poy Winichakul, the team’s lawyer. for the SPLC Action Fund.

Last week, the United States House of Representatives passed the HR 1, also known as “For the People Act”, a comprehensive government, ethics and election bill that aims to curb Republican efforts at the state level to restrict access to vote. The legislation would prevent states from restricting voting capacity by mail and, among other provisions, would require states to use independent redistricting commissions to create congressional district boundaries.
On Sunday, Biden signed an executive order expanding access to voting and directing the heads of all federal agencies to submit proposals for their respective agencies to promote electoral registration and participation in 200 days, while assisting states in electoral registration under the Act. National Electoral Registry.
