Gas bombs dropped on police in Northern Ireland amid disturbances

Northern Ireland police are asking for calm after a second night of unrest that saw petrol bombs being thrown at burning police and cars, the Associated Press reported.

According to the AP, 27 policemen were injured and eight people were injured during the riots in Belfast and Londonderry on Friday night.

On Saturday, three cars were hijacked and set on fire near Newtownabbey, just outside Belfast, Northern Ireland police said.

Davy Beck, commander-in-chief of the northern area, said the protesters also threw at least 30 gas stations at police on Saturday in an orchestrated attack on the police.

Police arrested a 47-year-old man who remains in custody.

People are protesting after the Northern Ireland legislature tried to censor two dozen Irish Republican party politicians Sinn Fein who attended the funeral last June of Bobby Storey, a former intelligence chief of the Irish Republican Army. Irish officials said they would not prosecute politicians, even though they broke restrictions on the coronavirus.

Most union parties have called for the resignation of the Northern Ireland police chief, claiming that the boss has lost all confidence in the community.
