Garth Brooks just revealed how Lady Gaga “saved” him at the inauguration

Much of the nation has tuned in to the President Joe Biden and vice president Kamala Harris last Wednesday. Some, of course, were there to watch American history be made, while others may have been more motivated by famous guest artists. Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopezand Garth Brooks they all lent their talents to the ceremony and since then it has come to the fore that one of them has done a great favor to another behind the scenes. In an effusive thank you tweet, Garth Brooks revealed that Lady Gaga and her team “saved” him on the day of the inauguration. Read on to find out what the pop star did for the country legend and for more information about the event, check out The most impressive photos of the opening day.

The opening day brought some serious looks.

Lady Gaga with Barack and Michelle Obama in office
Lady Gaga with Barack and Michelle Obama in office

From the monochrome sets of Biden’s granddaughters to Bernie Sanders‘meme-capable gloves and parka, the opening ceremony gave us many options for fashion and style to speak. And while Lady Gaga displayed her characteristic sense of drama in an elaborate braid, voluminous skirt and gigantic gold dove brooch, Brooks also remained true to her image, performing “Amazing Grace” in jeans, a black blazer and a cowboy hat. black. For more significant details of the historic day, take a look at Oprah gave inaugural poet Amanda Gorman this symbolic gift.

But it seems that Brooks needed last-minute help from Gaga’s “glam squad”.

Garth Brooks performing at the opening
Garth Brooks performing at the opening

In a tweet from that day, Brooks wrote to Lady Gaga with a compliment and thanks.

“You were fabulous today and every day,” says the tweet. “A national treasure. Please tell Frederick and Miss Sarah thanks for me! They saved a cowboy today. Oh, and tell Miss Sarah to hug her mom for me! Love, g”

People decoded the tweet, pointing out that Brooks is referring to Frederic Aspiras, Gaga’s hairdresser and Sarah Tanno, your makeup artist. So it looks like the country star got some last-minute touches from them, certainly with the blessing of the singer “Shallow”. (And – we’re guessing – it looks like Tanno told Brooks that his mom is a fan.) For more entertainment news sent directly to your inbox, subscribe to our daily newsletter.

Before the event, Brooks told fans that his presence was not about politics.

Garth Brooks
Garth Brooks

Brooks’s invitation to perform came from First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, and at a virtual press conference on his acceptance, the Republican country singer explained that he did not see his presence as “a political statement” but as “a declaration of unity”.

“It is an honor for me to serve. I was able to serve the Clinton administration with the Concert of the Century, the Bush Administration with Points of Light,” he said, as reported by People. “It is one of the things that, if my family is around, no matter who the president-elect is, it is an honor to be invited.”

He was also invited to perform at Donald Trumpopened in 2017, but declined due to tour commitments. For Brooks and other famous grandparents, check out 36 celebrities you didn’t know were grandparents.

Lady Gaga also shared a message of unity with her fans before her performance.

Lady Gaga performing at the Joe Biden rally
Lady Gaga performing at the Joe Biden rally

Lady Gaga, who sang the National Anthem at the inauguration, supported Biden in the campaign. Regardless of, she made it clear in a tweet that she was looking at the moment in a broader context.

“My intention is to recognize our past, heal our present and fall in love with a future where we work together with love,” she wrote. “I will sing for the hearts of all the people who live on this land. Respectfully and kindly, Lady Gaga.” For more information about the star, take a look at Lady Gaga’s open about ex-fiance: “I loved him so much”.
