GameStop will sell PC hardware like GPUs and RTX 3000 laptops

The retail store GameStop is expanding its product catalog to include PC gaming hardware, such as GeForce RTX 3000 series graphics cards and laptops.

GameStop CEO George Sherman said in a earnings conference call on Tuesday (reported by PC Mag) that the company is increasing its inventory to meet consumer needs. “This includes growing our product offerings on PC games, computers, monitors, gaming tables, mobile games and gaming TVs, to name just a few,” said Sherman.

The company also launched a new announcement highlighting various hardware for sale, including GeForce RTX 3090 GPUs, mini-tower cases and motherboards. Many of the products already appear in the search results on the GameStop website, but some are only shipped to the U.S., others are not available and some will not arrive until April 16. Video cards, including Nvidia’s RTX 30 series, were notoriously difficult to find in stock due to the continuing scarcity of semiconductors. This is also likely to be the case at GameStop.

GameStop also launched a dedicated PC games page, which will sell desktops, laptops, virtual reality headsets and accessories like lights and speakers. The company has not specified whether these sales will take place online or in-store, although Sherman said GameStop will invest more in its e-commerce.

“Global e-commerce sales increased 175% and accounted for 34% of total sales in the fourth quarter versus 12% of net sales in the same period last year,” said Sherman.

GameStop made headlines when customer service director Frank Hamlin announced it was stepping down amid the roller coaster of the company’s stock price. The company also expects its board members, including former Nintendo of America chief Reggie Fils-Aime, to retire as part of the 2021 Annual Meeting later this year.

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