Gamecocks will run ‘an aggressive multiple scheme’

Anyone watching South Carolina football has great memories of the program’s 4-2-5 defense. New defensive coordinator Clayton White plans to bring this formation back to Columbia, but he was sure to point out that his defense can be multiple and aggressive.

Some of the best defenses that Gamecocks have ever produced were under the former coordinator Ellis Johnson, who ran the same scheme during his time with the program. It has four attackers, two linebackers and five defenders on the field when defending the base.

White, meeting with the media for the first time, noted that he is still evaluating the staff to see where everyone fits, but the 4-2-5 is what should appear.

“My history, my past, has been an aggressive version of a 4-2-5, a very multiple version of a 4-2-5 defense,” said White. “We need to be able to do everything we need to do and adapt to the level of talent we have. Each week, your defense will not be a different defense, but things may have to change. For the most part, we base it on 4-2-5. “

White noted that the defenses, depending on the game and the opponent, must be multiple. He noted that there are times when they can start with a more traditional 4-3 defense, or it can be a 4-4 or even a 3-4 defense.

The main objective, however, is to allow each player on the field to play fast and be aggressive.

“It is a multiple and aggressive scheme that allows our players to play fast, allows our defensive line to attack in attack,” said White. “This allows our linebackers to go down and read great keys and have the opportunity to play fast. Our databases will be closely covered. Our databases, when they are pumping, they will be pumping for a purpose. That is our mindset. “

With the uniqueness of 4-2-5 being that at the same time an extra defensive defense is on the field, it shows the importance of being able to have a quality player in that position. White is already evaluating who can fill this type of role.

“The most important thing with a 4-2-5 is having a guy who can do a lot of things,” said White. “As we evaluate the list, I’m asking this question. ‘Can he run? Can he hit? Can he cover? What kind of guy is he? ‘It looks very good now. This guy has to be a player who can do a lot of things. I’m still learning names, but I’m starting to feel good. We have some marks in our defense that can slip into that nickel brand that I’m looking forward to seeing. “

White, who says he can train both linebackers and secondaries, says he will have some contribution to the final signing of the defensive side of the ball. First year head coach Shane Beamer has an offensive lineman position to fill, as well as a position on the defensive side of the ball.

But siding with the defensive line coach Tracy Rocker and linebacker trainer Mike Peterson makes you feel like you’re in a good situation now.

“I think I have a great coaching staff now that we are building and I feel very good about the things that we are starting,” said White. “Our ultimate goal is to get our guys to focus on their readiness to play. It starts right now in January. The focus on your readiness is the ultimate goal for me now. “

Stay tuned on to learn more about White and the rest of the new Gamecocks coaches.
