Game of the Year: # 2 – Final Fantasy VII Remake


Yes, it finally happened: 2020 was the year we actually did a remake of Final Fantasy VII. Good, part at least one. It may not cover the whole story, but Final Fantasy VII Remake uses his love for the original game as an emblem of honor. It is both a tribute to the classic Japanese role-playing game and a reimagination – but those of you who finished it will know that somehow it is even more than that.

From the brilliantly crafted battle system to the excellent soundtrack, Remake gets it right. It is a journey of powerful nostalgia and an exciting adventure in its own right, and it does a particularly incredible job of giving body to a cast of characters already loved. It is a real achievement.

Now, we are not saying that Final Fantasy VII Remake is perfect – it certainly has its fair share of flaws – but there is no denying the large number of memorable moments that it parades in front of the player. We will avoid spoiling any of those moments here, but there is no doubt that Remake has had a lasting impact on our views of the cloud and the company.

And those boss fights! It is fair to say that Remake has some of the biggest boss battles not only in 2020, but on PS4 in general. We repeated the game several times just to relive some of those encounters, and it also shows the strength of the title’s seriously impressive combat system, which combines action with turn-based commands almost perfectly.

So much could have gone wrong with Final Fantasy VII Remake, but here we are, looking for a genuine Game of the Year candidate. A great game and, hopefully, the start of something very special.

You can read our complete Final Fantasy VII Remake Review through the link.

Did Final Fantasy VII Remake work? Watch out where you are swinging that giant Buster Sword in the comment section below.

How we decided our Game of the Year: In December, our editorial team created a list of nominees for Game of the Year based on our own analysis scores and a variety of other factors. After much discussion, we reduced the list of nominees and asked all Push Square employees and the Push Square community to vote for their five favorites using a points-based system. The ten games with the most points in the designated deadline were then determined to be our favorites for 2020.
