Developer Inti Creates has announced they canceled the Xbox One version of Gal Gun returns.
The reason for canceling the Xbox One version is to “ensure consistency” on the platform, after the game was reviewed by Microsoft and Inti Creates discussed its launch with the platform owner.
This probably means that Microsoft wanted the content to be cut before it could be officially released on the Xbox, for which Inti Creates decided to just cancel the Xbox version, as they want to keep the same content on all platforms.
“As a remastering of the original Gal Gun, we wanted to strive to ensure that we remain true to the spirit of the first entry to the Gal Gun series,” said Inti Creates in the statement.
They added: “And while the development of the Xbox version was complete and the master ROM under review, it became apparent, after a productive discussion with Microsoft, that we would be unable to guarantee a consistent experience across all platforms.”
Gal Gun Returns is still being released for Nintendo Switch in Japan on January 28, 2021, followed by a western release on Nintendo Switch and Windows PC (via Steam) on February 12.