Gaetz: Everyone in DC knows that when Harris shakes Biden’s hand, ‘she’s checking his pulse’

Deputy Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., Mocked President Biden on “Hannity” on Thursday after the 78-year-old commander-in-chief referred to his vice president as “President Harris” during comments that discussed progress done on coronavirus vaccinations in the US

Gaetz: When it comes to the Harris-Biden relationship, everyone in Washington knows that every time Kamala Harris shakes Joe Biden’s hand, she’s checking his pulse, Sean …

I believe that Russia is not the great threat that some members of the establishment would portray … China is the real threat that our generation and our country face.

We will not defeat China in a world in which we portray weaknesses. Today, Joe Biden portrays that same weakness, in his stature and his inability to solve problems, in his acuity, and when we get to the elements of the Trump presidency that we want to keep in trade, in international engagement, in the focus on foreign policy against the Kingdom Middle East, not the Middle East, it is important that we continue to preserve the doctrine of America First, because I think Joe Biden wants to take us back to a world where we threaten to build around Russia, instead of focusing on the real threat that determine whether or not America will continue to lead another generation of global success.

