Gabe Newell says Valve has several games in development and “wants to play more for one player”

Valve Corporation “href =” “> Co-founder and CEO of Valve Gabe Newell” href = “ / “> Gabe Newell confirmed that Half-Life has several games in development and that he wants to do more experiences for a single player.

Newell, who has lived and worked in New Zealand since early 2020, suggested that the Washington-based company, USA, was energized by his experience making the VR Half-Life Alyx title, launched last March.

“We definitely have games in development that we will announce – it is fun to launch games,” he told 1 NEWS.

“Alyx was great – making games for a single player again, which created a lot of momentum within the company to do more of that.”

However, Newell declined to talk about new Half-Life and Portal games when asked about potential sequels.

“I haven’t talked about these things successfully in a long time and I hope to continue not to talk about them until they are debatable issues,” he said. “Then, we will move on to a new set of questions.

“The good thing is that, by not answering these questions, I prevent the community from coming up with new questions that are equally difficult to answer.”

Half-Life Alyx was launched in March 2020

Alyx, the first Half-Life game in almost 13 years, was released exclusively for the PC “href =” “> PC-based VR hardware.

VGC’s review of Half-Life: Alyx called the shooter “an impressive return to Half-Life and an essential VR purchase – if you have the necessary equipment and space.”

Newell originally traveled to New Zealand in March for a 10-day family vacation, but decided to stay when the country announced that it was closing its borders due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

He told 1 NEWS that he has now taken up residence in New Zealand in principle and that he plans to stay in the country “for the foreseeable future”.

He also said that several of his colleagues expressed interest in moving to New Zealand. “There is a lot of interest at a basic level within the company for some people to move.”