GA Democratic Senate candidate Jon Ossoff goes after Loeffler on Fox News

  • Jon Ossoff, the Democratic nominee for Senator David Perdue of Georgia, struck a blow to the state’s two Republican senators ahead of the second round of the election next week.
  • Ossoff attacked Perdue and Senator Kelly Loeffler and accused them of “shamelessly” using their positions to “enrich themselves”.
  • Both Perdue and Loeffler were accused of insider trading.
  • Ossoff also said that the attacks on Loeffler’s opponent, the Democratic Reverend Raphael Warnock, were maneuvers to divert attention from Loeffler’s “campaign” with a former Klansman.
  • Loeffler was photographed earlier this month with Chester Doles, a former head of the KKK and a member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, but he denied knowing who he was.
  • Visit the Business Insider home page for more stories.

Georgia’s Democratic Senate candidate Jon Ossoff took the opportunity to criticize Sens Republicans. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue for what he claimed to be using his posts to “get rich” after a Fox News Team approached him while live in the air.

Ossoff is in a second round against Perdue and asked the Fox News audience to look beyond partisanship before the second round.

“We have two United States senators in Georgia who have shamelessly used their positions to enrich themselves. This is beyond partisanship. And the reason for your question, because I talk about health, jobs and justice for all people, is that we can come together for behind that program, “said Ossoff.

He proposed working to reopen the nine rural hospitals that closed in the state, raise the minimum wage and pass “civil rights and voting laws to ensure equal justice for all”.

Loeffler and Perdue ignored criticism of buying and selling shares while in office.

The United States Department of Justice launched an investigation into Loeffler after she sold millions of dollars worth of shares in January after a private interview about the coronavirus. Loeffler, a multimillionaire, is also married to the president of the New York Stock Exchange.

The investigation did not result in accusations, but Loeffler avoided answering questions about whether U.S. senators should be allowed to trade shares while they are still in office and recently questioned his negotiation for a “leftist media lie” and a “conspiracy.”

Perdue was also investigated for buying shares in a personal protective equipment company the same day he received a secret Senate briefing on coronavirus. An investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice was also closed without charges.

Ossoff also addressed whether domestic violence charges against Reverend Raphael Warnock, who is working to oust Loeffler, would prevent the Democratic ticket.

Warnock’s ex-wife accused the candidate of running over her foot during a domestic dispute in March, in a footage from the newly released police camera.

Ouleye Ndoye told officers that Warnock ran over his foot while trying to go out with his two children.

“This man is running for the United States Senate and all that matters now is his reputation,” Ndoye can be heard saying to the officer.

Warnock told police that he believed he was far away and had barely moved the car.

“I barely moved,” he said. “And suddenly she’s screaming that I hit her foot. I can’t believe it.”

He was not charged with any crime and medical officials said there was no sign of injury to Ndoye’s foot.

Ossoff said the charges against Warnock were an attempt by Loeffler to “divert attention from the fact that she is campaigning with a former Ku Klux Klan member”.

Earlier this month, Loeffler was photographed with Chester Doles, a former head of the KKK and a member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance.

Doles posted his and Loeffler’s photo on the Russian social network VKontakte (VK) on Friday with the caption “Kelly Leoffener [sic] and I. Save America, stop socialism! “

Loeffler said he didn’t know who Doles was when he posed for the photo.

“Kelly had no idea who he was and, if she had, she would have thrown him out immediately, because we condemn in the most vociferous terms everything he stands for,” Stephen Lawson, a spokesman for Loeffler’s campaign.

Loeffler’s office did not respond to the Business Insider’s request for comment at the time of publication.

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