Fully loaded with Ben Sullins, model Y

What the hell is ‘Top Biden.’ Honestly, we’re not so sure, but we know that this unique and virtual comparison between the Volkswagen ID.4 and the Tesla Model Y is highly entertaining and informative.

If you’ve been following the segment for years, you probably remember when data guru Ben Sullins came on the scene. He was an unconditional Tesla fan who quickly gained huge popularity. Since then, Ben has moved on and is no longer focusing his efforts solely on Tesla.

In fact, Sullins is more than willing to point out Tesla’s flaws, which causes some Tesla fans to discredit him and even draw attention to him on social media. However, we appreciate your efforts. In addition, Sullins’ years of experience with Tesla vehicles help him to have a solid perspective of what a promising EV should (and shouldn’t) be.

Fully Loaded Show has contacted Sullins in the past to collaborate on videos. In this video, host Robert Llewellyn talks about ID.4. He admits to being a big VW fanboy. He writes:

“Full disclosure from the start – Robert had a few VWs, so it’s no surprise that he was looking forward to driving the ID. 4. Yes, it can be big and it’s not cheap, but it’s well built, easy and efficient, refined and has a impressive reach. But how will it fare in a ‘Top Biden’ statistic with Ben Sullins’ Tesla Model Y in the United States? “

Of course, Robert wants to compare the ID.4 with the Tesla Model Y, since electric crossovers are similar in many ways. However, there are currently no Model Y crossovers available in Europe. Then, he contacts Ben Sullins to do a virtual comparison.

As you can probably imagine, Robert and Ben turn this into a ton of fun, and it’s worth the time it takes to watch. Two EV specialists in different parts of the world, both avid fans of rival automakers, don’t get much better than that.

Written words do not do justice to this exchange, so we will leave you to see for yourself. After watching, scroll down and let us know what you think in the comments section below.
