Free game alert: Rage 2 on PC is at your disposal

Anger 2 it is a pastiche of the best snipers that have been launched in the last decade, but this aspect of its design hides a big secret for those looking for hidden gems: the combat and the feeling of power of the weapons and skills of the game are almost unmatched in the right game now. It’s the perfect free video game, if you’re in the mood for a first-person shooter. Which is great news, because it’s currently free at the Epic Games Store.

Anger 2The story of is a confused mess that I won’t even try to describe; let’s just say that you play as a chosen one with special powers and leave it at that. You explore a somewhat open world, finding new weapons, climbing the tech tree and unlocking a series of supernatural abilities as you fight the Authority. You just know that they are bad with a name like that. The game’s aesthetics suggest something like splatterpunk, evoking the violent nihilism of the Borderlands series.

The original Fury was a mediocre sniper for id Software, and John Carmack himself later apologized directly for his performance on the PC. So there wasn’t much that Avalanche Studios and id Software could extract from it for the sequel. You don’t have to worry about knowing the best in history from the first game to enjoy this one; it is easily overlooked and nothing of value is lost.

You can never care why you’re doing something in Anger 2, or who exactly are you chasing, but the combat itself shines like a beacon. Or at least, as soon as you collect some of the best weapons and skills and place them well and level up. The interface doesn’t always make this easy, but it’s worth the hassle.

“I can use an ability to knock enemies back, throwing them against walls or against each other,” I wrote in our original review. “I can use another ability to force enemies to float in the air, pulling other items towards it as if it were the gravitational pull of a very small black hole. I can turn into a human grenade and hit the ground, reducing everyone around me to a smear of blood. I can improve my ability to jump high into the air until I can basically scale the face of steep cliffs by pressing the jump button. “

This combination of skills, as well as weapons that sound and look brutally powerful in action, makes Anger 2 in a creative playground of violence. How you kill people is up to you, and you can spend a lot of time on the menus creating a fun loadout to go out there and just fix shit.

Anger 2 It was hard to sell when it launched at $ 59.99, but for the cost of zero dollars, you should definitely grab it. It is a game that exists within a generic shell of false attitude and nervousness, and this can be irritating. But it can also be fun to laugh at the common game tropes and silly narrative excuses of how your player character has become the most powerful fighter on the battlefield.

Regardless, hidden within this OK game is one of the best examples of weapon design and selection I’ve seen in quite some time. I’m always interested in just seeing how my arsenal grows and interacts with the world as I go out and kill everyone I see to … do what I’m trying to do. There has never been a better time to unload all your frustrations on virtual thugs who are happy to die by the thousands.
