Four Seasons Documentary Highlights the Infamous Fiasco – / Film

total documentary of four seasons

Few people can forget the strangest moment than the infamous fiction Total Four Seasons Landscaping fiasco, which saw Rudy Giuliani give a press conference in front of a local landscaping company located between a sex shop and a crematorium – not the kind of auspicious location you’d expect the former New York mayor and Trump’s lawyer to speak before . But it was exactly the kind of hilarious visual metaphor that suits the karmic justice that was the presidential election of 2020, and that could not have been dreamed of by the best comedy writers. However, a documentary team was somehow able to uncover the incident, filming everything in secret for the newly announced Total Four Seasons Documentary.

Director Christopher Stoudt (Camp ALEC) associated with producers Glen Zipper (Challenger: The final flight, dogs) and Sean Stuart (Step, What is my name: Muhammad Ali) to film the Total Four Seasons Documentary about the funniest press conference by an important politician.

Described as “an apolitical and cheerful documentary”, “Total Four Seasons Documentary will give a first-hand account of the roller coaster journey that a well-meaning small business in Philadelphia went through when it agreed to host a political press conference amid the most disputed American election in recent history, “according to the announcement, which follows the first Super Bowl commercial for Four Seasons Total Landscaping.

The documentary was filmed in secret and is close to completion this month. Stoudt’s production partner Chris Paonessa serves as a producer, along with Zipper and Kevin Lincoln.

“It is an honor and privilege to be able to help tell a story that the world has been waiting for months to hear,” said director Stoudt in a statement. “After such a difficult year, everyone needed a moment to laugh. Little did we know it would come from a press conference that took place across the street from a crematorium (on the same street as a sex shop). This film is a chance to clear the picture, not just from Four Seasons Total Landscaping, but from around the country. “

Producers Zipper and Stuart added: “We are very excited to be working with Christopher on the Four Seasons Total Documentary. His extraordinary access and unique vision for this film will really surprise audiences and defy expectations. We can’t wait to share this with the world. “

Stoudt and his producers show an incredible awareness that they were able to shoot a documentary during the press conference, which was quickly and widely ridiculed online. It was speculated at the time that someone on Giuliani’s team had mistakenly booked the Four Seasons Total Landscaping instead of the luxurious Four Seasons Hotel – a more common venue for major political events – 11 miles away, although that was never confirmed . The New York Times reported that “the mistake was not in the reserve, but in a messy phone game”, but it would be hilarious to see where the mistake started and where everything fell apart.

Total Four Seasons Documentary has not yet been shared with distributors.

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