Fortnite season 5 crossover skin characters ranked by Deadliness

Chapter 2 Season 5 of Fifteen days was another season full of cross appearances, but this time, pop culture icons making way for Fifteen daysThe island has a greater purpose. Typically, crossover characters are eye-catching additions to the game that barely affect the season’s plot (with the exception of the Marvel themed season), but Fifteen daysSeason 5 crossover characters are being recruited by Agent Jonesy to prevent anyone from entering the Zero Point on the Island. Depending on your personal skills, some may be more prepared for this task than others.

At the end of Fifteen days In season 4, players teamed up with some of Marvel’s most powerful heroes to defeat Galactus, the World Eater. However, in the process of stopping Galactus, the Island’s Zero Point was exposed, causing all sorts of chaos for Agent Jonesy and the Order of Imagination. At the beginning of Fifteen days In season 5, Jonesy explained that he would recruit rental weapons to prevent anyone (or anything) from entering or leaving the Ponto Zero portal. Within a week, Agent Jonesy started introducing crossover characters, with a new pop culture icon arriving on the Island each week.

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Agent Jonesy is recruiting heroes and villains from all different pop culture backgrounds and time periods. Aliens and intergalactic bounty hunters have been summoned to help defend the Island, but which crossover characters can really fight decently? Sure, these characters are great cosmetic additions to the game, but what are the chances of preventing a horde of approaching players from entering Zero Point?

In order to classify the Fifteen days Mortality of the season 5 crossover characters, Screen Rant assessed how well each could do well in a traditional round of Fifteen days. That means 100 players trying to enter Zero Point, with the crossover character using his skills to try to stop them. Only the 10 characters whose addition was specifically requested by Jonesy were counted, which excludes characters such as Green Arrow, Joker and Poison Ivy, who were added to the game separately from the season 5 storyline.

Each Fortnite Season 5 Skin Crossover, Rated by its Power

crossovers of the fifth season of the fortnight classified by lethality


Last is the Fifteen days Tron crossover. Instead of adding a specific character to Fifteen days, this added variants to the standard skins. These skins are intended to represent players trapped in Tron’s digital world and come with the franchise’s identity discs and light cycles. As in the movies, Grid Warriors can only play two discs at a time before waiting for them to return, and one hit is enough to eliminate them from the game, making them the weakest character here.

Daryl and Michonne

The Walking Dead’s fan favorite characters, Daryl Dixon and Michonne, are next, as they don’t have much training for real combat. Sure, these two can take down hordes of stupid zombies, but when it comes to 100 cracked Fifteen days players wielding automatic weapons, they don’t stand a chance. Living DeadThe cast depends a lot on diplomacy to survive their peers, but that will not take them very far on the Island. Daryl and Michonne may be able to take a few more hits than the Tron characters, but they are still mere humans.

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GI JoeSnake Eyes is next, but not much. He is ahead of Daryl and Michonne due to his higher skill level, but this ninja wielding a sword can only handle so many enemies at the same time. He is generally supported by the rest of the GI Joes, and yet he still takes his time dealing with a handful of enemies in hand-to-hand combat. Snake Eyes could make the jump in the first dozens Fifteen days players, but he wouldn’t do well against anyone with a rocket launcher.

Sarah Connor

The longtime protagonist of the Terminator franchise, Sarah Connor, is on a boat similar to the characters mentioned above. She is a human who was hardened by the battle, but her mortality limits how long she could last against 100 Fifteen days players. She is ahead of the pack due to her achievements, including becoming a legendary figure during the Future War and taking down a T-800 Terminator. However, she still can’t take many bullets before kicking the bucket.


Next is Terminatorits main antagonist, the android T-800. These deadly androids can withstand bullets and explosions and are made to kill anything that gets in their way. However, they are limited to the armament of the period they are in. This means that the T-800 would only be able to fight players with the weapons found in the Fifteen daysIsland of. There are also several ways to take down a Terminator, including piercing weapons and proximity explosions. Although a T-800 android could take down some players, it wouldn’t be long before a well-placed grenade turns it into a pile of scrap metal.

The Mandalorian

Mandalorian is placed at the top of this list due to his resourcefulness, situational awareness and deadly arsenal of weapons. Bullets and lasers are easily deflected by their full Beskar Mandalorian armor, and their laser pistol and sniper would make a quick attack on any player. The Mandalorian was quite strong during Mando’s Bounty LTM, and he probably wouldn’t be caught outdoors very often. If overwhelmed by a large number of Fifteen days players, Mando will struggle to find a way out of the situation without help, but he will not go to the grave without taking some players with him.

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The next four characters are likely to be able to face all 100 players without fail, so they will have to be compared against each other. The first is the Predator, introduced in Fifteen days in January. The Predator has a large arsenal of futuristic weapons, including a camouflage device, Combistick, Bio-helmet and shoulder-mounted Plasmacaster. Predators are trained to be elite hunters and have proven that a single can take down a large number of trained military personnel. It may take some time, but Predator can take out each of the 100 players who try to enter Zero Point, even if they are able to detect its presence.

Master Chief

Master Chief is placed above the Predator due to his strength, agility and experience in defeating a large number of enemies. If this armored Spartan can quickly eliminate hundreds of Grunts and Elites while fleeing an exploding Halo, he will probably be able to reach 100 Fifteen days players. The Predator can offer a good fight, but with a well placed shot from an SRS99-AM sniper rifle or a blow from an energy sword, the fight is over.

fortnite master chief vs kratos


The PlayStation representative and God of War the vocalist, Kratos, is in second place. It should be enough to say that Kratos killed several gods, but he can also wield divine weapons and various superpowers. He is the son of Zeus, making him a demigod, and if times get tough, he is known for rising from the dead, having done so on three different occasions. He could easily rip 100 Fifteen days players and could overcome Master Chief using his divine skills. Even the Master Chief would struggle to return after being struck by lightning.

The Flash

The final and most lethal character introduced in Fifteen days The 5th season is Flash. Someone who can run so fast that he travels through time can easily handle 100 normal humans. He is incredibly difficult to kill and has already killed several superheroes with a single burst of energy. Since his debut, Flash has broken the laws of physics, time, space and reality, making him one of the most powerful heroes in the DC Universe. None of the other characters on this list would stand a chance against Flash. Agent Jonesy called the right person for the job, since no one but another speedster would be able to approach Zero Point while Flash is nearby. It would be difficult for Fifteen days to add someone else this season who could dethrone Flash, but there are still a few weeks to go before season 5 is over.

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