Fortnite Pro falls asleep during the tournament, costing his team

Competitive Fortnite player Deyy fell asleep before a game in the EpikWhale Cup, which cost his team a lot and aroused the ire of teammate Cented.

ONE Fifteen days squad competing in the EpikWhale Cup in March is causing a stir on Twitter, but not for qualifying in the finals – instead, there is some drama unfolding between teammates Cented and Deyy after the latter fell asleep and lost a match, putting the rest of his team, still very much awake, at a disadvantage. But the real news is not necessarily that an overworked competitor simply fell asleep, but that teammates chose to discuss their complaints on Twitter, for the general public to see.

The competition in question is the debut of the EpikWhale Cup, created in collaboration between the professional player of the same name and Fifteen days developer Epic Games. The four-person squad competition offered a $ 10k prize, which is quite considerable considering the comparatively small size of the tournament. Although it is not exactly the peak of the Fifteen days season, serves as a prep event for the next Fifteen days Champion Series. Competitive players Cented and Deyy, who already have a prolific competitive Fifteen days career despite being only 15 years old, he joined other prominent players Commandment and NRG Edgey to participate in the tournament, which started on March 11th.

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But while the team got off to a strong start and scored second place in the qualifying for the finals, there were problems in paradise when Deyy disappeared for an entire 5-game match, because, apparently, he decided to take a nap before the match started, which resulted in him making a total mistake. This meant that his teammates could not get in line for the match and it sparked Cented’s ire, especially after Deyy made some tweets that ended up ignoring what had happened. Deyy, who is again 15 years old and has a regular high school schedule, initially disregarded the problems that arose from her powerful nap, but Cented decided Twitter to warn you publicly for your apparent lack of professionalism. None of the tweets were deleted and Deyy has since issued an apology.

The whole situation shows that there is talk of minors competing in high-risk electronic sports, especially when they are still in school. Although Deyy has not behaved with real maturity, it is understandable, given his age, and this is likely to be a difficult but necessary lesson for him to learn. Cented recently split from Team Liquid to sign with FaZe Clan, and it is likely that he wanted to make a strong impression, but exposing his complaints against his teammate on Twitter was not a particularly professional move, although his frustration is easy to understand – Esports they are his career, while Deyy has more urgent obligations and is not yet at a point where he can compete as a full-time career if he wants to.

What is important is that the two players have finally reconciled at the end, and I hope that they will be the wisest for the whole situation before the start of season 6. Both Fifteen days players continue to play on Twitter in a public show of camaraderie, and Cented, to his credit, is now reminding his followers of what he probably should have remembered in the first place – Deyy is 15, and there’s a lot going on without the competitive community bothering you.

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Source: @ Cented7, @DeyyFN

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