Fortnite: How to tame a wild boar or wolf

Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 6 added a lot of primordial elements to the Battle Royale map. These new elements include new challenges, crafts and wild animals that can be tamed during the game. We’ve already covered making weapons in Fortnite, but if you’re looking to tame a wild boar or hunt with a wolf, read our guide below to learn how.

How to Tame Wild Boars in Fortnite

Wild boars are typically hostile to contact. You won’t be able to make friends with them by walking and petting them – at least, not at first. What you will want to do is pick up some vegetables, such as corn, apples and cabbage, before walking to one of these animals.

Next, you will want to throw away some vegetables and wait for the boar (s) to roam. They emit a translucent glow, indicating that they are interested in eating. Once they start eating, this is your chance to domesticate them. Just go up and press the button / key to interact.

Make sure you have enough vegetables before you try it. Wild boars eat very fast, becoming hostile again when all the food is gone. Throwing a lot of food on the floor in an area is the best way to ensure that you will tame the animal on the first attempt.

How to Tame Wolves in Fortnite

Wolves are similarly domesticated, but the difference is that they prefer meat over vegetables. To get some meat, you need to hunt some animals – wolves or others – and catch the meat they drop. However, be careful: trying to tame a wolf after killing its pack can be tricky. It is not that you cannot domesticate them, it is that they are more likely to renounce meat and attack it if they see that you are killing their relatives.

Where to find wild boar and wolves in Fortnite

When it comes to locating a wolf or wild boar, you will want to focus on the most primitive areas on the map; more Boney Burbs or Weeping Woods and less Pleasant Park or Sweaty Sands. Wolves roam the forest in these areas. Wild boars too, but (apparently) to a lesser extent.

That said, if you want to quickly tame some wild boars, we recommend going to Colossal Crops. Not only will you find a group of wild boars in a corral on the west side of the farm-like area, but also many crops. If you plan your approach correctly, you should be able to tame several wild boar within minutes.

When domesticated, wolves and wild boar will follow you wherever you go. They will also attack nearby enemies similar to the NPCs that roam the map. They can get stuck in obstacles (stay out of the water) and occasionally get lost. Still, being able to make friends with animals in this way is really cool. Who couldn’t use a friend now?

For more information, check out our Fortnite review and how to unlock all styles of Agent Jonesy.

Kenneth Seward Jr. is a freelance writer, editor and illustrator who covers games, movies and more. Follow him on @kennyufg and Twitch.
