Fortnite Guide: Investigate an anomaly in the lazy lake

The anomalies are back for Fortnite Season 6, and this time solving your puzzles will grant players new outfits for Agent Jones, the Tier 1 Battle Pass reward. These anomalies will continue throughout the season as players unlock new Battle Pass levels at their own pace, but we have the details of the first one for you here.

You will unlock the Lazy Lake Anomaly puzzle when you reach Battle Pass level 14, which also happens when you unlock Lara Croft. With it comes this puzzle Anomaly, so go to Battle Royale or Team Rumble and drop into Lazy Lake.

The specific house you are looking for is shown below. It is a blue house on the north side of the named place, next to a yellow house of strange shape to the right of the lake itself.

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See how it will be at street level.

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Go through the front door and immediately you will see a glowing butterfly hovering over the dining table. It will quickly descend to the basement level and disappear into a teddy bear sitting on a chair.

Break the wall in front of the bear to reveal a secret room that houses a peculiar glass table adorned with empty jewelry slots. This is your anomaly puzzle.

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To resolve this, you will need to activate each jewel in the correct order. Get closer to each slot and use the interaction button – don’t worry, it’s forgiving if you get it wrong. You will know when you have inserted a jewel correctly because it will remain in place. If it disappears, you will want to start again until you insert the four jewels in the correct order.

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We tested the puzzle a few times and the solution doesn’t seem to change. Here is the right order to insert the jewels by color:

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After doing this correctly, Anomaly will reappear in the center of the screen. Interact with him once more to complete the challenge and win Agent Jones a stylish, though tattered, suit to wear in later rounds.

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We will have many more anomaly puzzle solutions to share as we find them in the coming days.

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