Forget Xbox Series X restocking: This is the best time to buy the console

O Xbox Series X is here – if you can find one. However, if you were unable to find the next generation console from Microsoft, I have good news: You don’t really need one yet. Since the Xbox Series X plays the same games as the Xbox One (or a good gaming PC), you can safely wait until next year and finish your backlog in the meantime.

Still, if now is not the right time to buy an Xbox Series X, when will it be – if that time comes? Although this question is relatively easy to answer for the PS5 (“When more exclusive games are released”), this is more difficult to do for the Xbox Series X. That’s because Series X is simply an element in Microsoft’s broader gaming ecosystem, not necessarily its focal point.

The truth is that when you buy an Xbox Series X it is almost entirely arbitrary, since you will have access to most of the same games on the gaming systems you currently have – and soon, you will no longer need a gaming system.

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(Image credit: Microsoft)

Xbox Series X games and the Xbox ecosystem
