Florida women use ‘grandma’ disguise to try to get Covid vaccine | Florida

Two Florida women aged 34 and 44 years old dressed up as “grandparents” – wearing hats and gloves – in a failed attempt to pass themselves old enough to be eligible for a coronavirus vaccine, according to local media reports.

WFTV, a TV station affiliated with ABC in Orlando, reported that the pair had valid vaccination cards after the first vaccines, but the second ones were denied.

He quoted Orange County health officer Dr. Raul Pino as saying, “I don’t know how they escaped [detection] for the first time, but they came with the gloves, the glasses, everything, and they are probably in their 20s. “

Their real ages came later, said a WFTV reporter. According to the police station, the two women were handed over to the police. Police said they were asked to issue intrusion notices and no further action was taken.
