Florida Democrat Rejects Governor’s Order to Lower Limbaugh’s Flag | Florida

The most senior Democrat in public office in Florida said she would not comply with Governor Ron DeSantis’ wish for flags to be flown by half the team in honor of Rush Limbaugh, the far-right “shock jock” broadcaster who died last week cancer.

“We are not going to celebrate hate speech, prejudice and division,” State Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried said in a statement on Monday.

On Tuesday, she also said she was close to declaring her candidacy for governor next year.

Limbaugh died last Wednesday, aged 70. Two days later, DeSantis said he would order the flags to be lowered.

Fried said: “Lowering the flag of the United States of America to half the mast is a sacred honor that pays respect to fallen heroes and patriots.

“It is not a political party tool. Therefore, I will notify all state offices under my direction to disregard the governor’s next order to lower flags to Limbaugh – because we will not celebrate hate speech, fanaticism and division. “

Limbaugh, who lived in Florida, achieved fame as one of the toughest voices on the American right, his invective aimed at women, African Americans, LGBTQ Americans and more. Last year, Donald Trump gave him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

On Friday, fried tweeted: “Governor DeSantis is lowering Florida flags to half Rush Limbaugh’s staff. But he had no words for Congressman John Lewis. Priorities. “

Lewis of Georgia was an important figure in the 1960s civil rights movement, which served with distinction in Congress. He died last year and was widely regretted.

On Tuesday, Fried spoke to CNN.

“The American flag should not be used and cannot be used as a political support by Governor DeSantis,” she said. “He is bowing to honor a radio announcer who has spent his entire career talking about hate speech and prejudice, division and conspiracy theories.”

Rush Limbaugh, controversial conservative radio personality, dead at 70 - video report
Rush Limbaugh, controversial conservative radio personality, dead at 70 – video report

Fried said there are no penalties for not following an order to lower flags, adding: “We don’t want to penalize anyone for their beliefs.”

She was also asked whether she planned to run against DeSantis in 2022.

“Every day,” she said, “it becomes increasingly clear that we have to get rid of Governor De Santis. And as the only elected Democrat in the entire state in Florida, there are many people who come to me and tell me that I am one of our best snipers.

“So we are certainly investigating this. But again it is becoming clearer every day that we need … to end this hatred in our state. So it’s almost a yes. “
