FKA Twigs says Shia LaBeouf shot and killed stray dogs

“It’s a miracle that I made it out alive.”

In December last year, musician FKA Twigs filed a lawsuit against his former partner, Shia LaBeouf, and claimed that he abused her and infected her with an STD.

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And in a new interview with Elle, the 33-year-old opened up even more.

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Twigs said that Shia started keeping a gun in her room in November 2018, and that she was afraid to use the bathroom at night if he mistook her for an intruder and shot her. She sent a photo of the gun to her manager. “I thought to myself, ‘If he shoots me, and then if there is any kind of investigation, they will put the pieces together. I need to leave little clues.'”

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She remembers him constantly waking her up at 4 am with random accusations, like that she was masturbating or planning her escape from him. Eventually, she said that he forced her to sleep naked every night. “I was very intimidated by living with him. He had a gun by the bed and was erratic. [I never knew what would] make you mad at me. “

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She said that Shia blatantly boasted about shooting stray dogs because it helped him “get into character” for his role in The tax collector.

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“I said to him, ‘This is really bad. Why are you doing this?’ And he said, “Because I take my art seriously. You are not supporting me in my art. This is what I do. It is different from singing. I don’t just go on stage and do some movements. I am in character. ‘”

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The musician also remembers being deeply alienated from friends and family due to Shia’s jealousy.

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“Once, he heard me laughing on FaceTime with my friend. He came in and had a big argument with me because he said he didn’t make me laugh that way. So I had to hide from laughing with my friends. [about] isolation, so I don’t talk to my friends. He hated that I had an experience for myself [with] something that didn’t involve him, a memory that gave me joy. It made me feel like I had no joy, basically. That’s what it comes down to: I wasn’t allowed to be happy unless I revolved directly around him. “

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In January 2019, the couple traveled to Sundance to promote their film, Dear boy. Twigs remembers asking for help, but did not receive it. “Over there [were] people who worked with Shiites with whom I spoke openly about the abuse I was suffering. The reaction I had [from his team] it was very beautiful, ‘Okay. Well, it’s Sundance. ‘”

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“I genuinely felt that Dear boy it was more important than my physical and emotional well-being, “she said.” At what point does Hollywood stop looking at money and start looking at people’s safety? “

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“It’s a miracle that I made it out alive.”

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You can read Elle’s full interview here.

If you or someone you know is being abused, call the national domestic violence hotline at 1-800-799-7233. You can find more resources, information and support here.

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