First thing: eight people, mostly Asian women, killed in Atlanta shootings | United States News

Good Morning.

At least eight people died in a series of shootings at three massage parlors in the Atlanta area yesterday. Six of the dead were Asian and two were white. A 21-year-old man was arrested after a manhunt for hours and is allegedly the suspect in all three attacks.

Suspect arrested after shootings at three massage parlors in Atlanta leaves eight dead - video
Suspect arrested after shootings at three massage parlors in Atlanta leaves eight dead – video
  • There is no known reason but the NYPD counterterrorism department announced that it would send police officers to Asian communities around New York, and the Atlanta police force sent police officers to verify similar businesses. The shootings occur amid an increasing number of attacks against Asian Americans during the coronavirus pandemic.

  • What do we know so far? Alison Rourke summarizes the main information we have about the shootings.

Biden is on tour to publicize his stimulus project

Joe Biden speaks during a visit to Smith Flooring in Chester, Pennsylvania
Company owner Kristin Smith overhears Joe Biden speaking during a visit to Smith Flooring in Chester, Pennsylvania. Photograph: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP / Getty Images

Joe Biden traveled to Pennsylvania yesterday to promote his $ 1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus package, stopping at a syndicated flooring company owned by Black to highlight the benefits of the bill for small businesses, which have been hard hit. by the pandemic. While at the company, he told employees that “more help is on the way – really”.

This was a stop on a national tour “Help is Here”. Biden, Kamala Harris and their spouses will head to Georgia, another decisive state, this week.

  • Two Republican lawmakers said prisoners should use stimulus payments for restitution for their crimes, rather than personal economic support, as intended. Wisconsin lawmakers introduced a bill, but it is unclear whether it will pass. There is a debate about whether criminals should receive checks, which also happened to Donald Trump.

Russia spread misinformation about Biden in the 2020 elections, says US intelligence

Donald Trump
“Individuals close to the ex-president have been targeted by Russian intelligence agents … who have spread disinformation in our political system with the intention of denigrating now President Biden, damaging his candidacy,” said Schiff. Photograph: Leah Millis / Reuters

Russia tried to influence the 2020 presidential election by spreading “misleading or baseless allegations” against Joe Biden through Donald Trump’s allies, according to intelligence officials.

A 15-page report found that Russia was targeting people close to Trump to spread information to denigrate Biden. Democratic Chamber intelligence president Adam Schiff said: “Through prosecutors, Russia has conducted a successful intelligence operation that has penetrated [Trump’s] Intimate circle. “

  • Alaskan Republican Party censored senator for voting to condemn Trump during her second impeachment trial and does not want her to be the Republican candidate in the next election, according to a member of the central committee. The change is dramatic for state policy: Lisa Murkowski has been in the Senate since 2002 and a member of her family has represented Alaska in the Senate since 1981.

  • The teenager who hacked Biden and Bill Gates was arrested for three years after breaching several major Twitter accounts in an attempt to win bitcoin transactions. Graham Ivan Clark, who was 17 at the time, made $ 100,000 from the hack, but has since adjusted the money.

Could North Korea be planning a nuclear weapons test?

North Korea displayed its missiles and armed forces during a parade on January 14, 2021.
North Korea displayed its missiles and armed forces during a parade on Jan. 14. Photograph: KCNA via KNS / AFP / Getty Images

North Korea may be planning a test flight for one of its intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) “in the near future,” according to a US military official yesterday. General Glen VanHerck, who heads the security of the continental United States, appeared to base the forecast in the country revealing its highest ICBM so far in a parade in October, rather than any specific intelligence.

  • US officials are starting a trip to Japan and South Korea to discuss security issues, amid concerns that North Korea may be increasing the risk of its nuclear diplomacy with Washington. If a test were carried out, it would be Biden’s first serious challenge to North Korea.

  • North Korea has not tested a nuclear weapon for three years but it has improved the design of its ICBM, continued to produce the weapons and tested smaller missiles.

In other news …

Andrew Cuomo during a visit to a vaccination station in New York on Tuesday
Andrew Cuomo during a visit to a vaccination station in New York on Tuesday. Photo: Getty Images
  • Biden said Andrew Cuomo should resign if an investigation finds allegations of sexual misconduct done against him by six women, predominantly former advisers. In an interview that airs this morning, Biden said that if the investigation confirms the allegations, “I think he would probably end up being sued as well.” Cuomo denies the charges.

  • Two people were rescued from a truck hanging over a gorge in Idaho yesterday after the vehicle fell off a bridge. The gorge is about 30 meters deep, which is equivalent to the height of a 10-story building.

  • The homeland security secretary tried to dissuade people of trying to cross the U.S. border yesterday amid an increase in the number of people trying to enter the U.S. Alejandro Mayorkas said the country remains closed to most asylum seekers, although it is still prosecuting an increasing number of unaccompanied migrant children.

Statute of the day: 19th century whales shared information and changed their behavior to reduce human attacks by 58%

Whales that were attacked in the North Pacific shared information about what was happening to them and changed their behavior, reducing the rate of attack by humans by 58% in just a few years. These are the findings of a remarkable new study on sperm whales, highly social animals that can communicate over long distances through sonar clicks. They also have the biggest brains on the planet.

Don’t miss it: the father of a trans girl made a passionate appeal for the right to play sports

Missouri’s father, Brandon Boulware, attracted millions of visitors with a poignant appeal to state lawmakers to reject a bill that would prohibit his daughter from playing on women’s sports teams. Speaking at a hearing for the Missouri House of Representatives bill, Boulware said he regretted having forced his son to “wear boy’s clothes, cut his hair short and play on men’s sports teams” and described how she came to life when allowed dress like she wants, grow her hair and play sports with other girls. He said:

I beg you, please do not take this away from my daughter or from the countless others like her out there. Let them have their childhoods. Let them be who they are. I ask you to vote against this legislation.

Last thing: the world nature photography awards are here and you should definitely take a look

Mountain Hare
The competition brings together the best nature photographers from around the world. Photography: Nature Picture Library / Alamy

The world nature photography awards are here, and the photos are nothing short of spectacular. Thomas Vijayan was named the photographer of the year for his image of a Borneo orangutan, and he described the area as a “photographer’s paradise”. From lions to frogs, these images are a reminder of the wonders of the natural world.

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