Federal law enforcement agencies push for arrests and charges after Wednesday’s Capitol riot

Dozens of charges are expected in Washington DC’s local and federal courts, including up to 15 federal prosecutions against people believed to be involved in the most serious alleged crimes, officials said on Thursday.

Insurrection fueled by conspiracy groups, extremists and marginal movements

FBI digital experts spent the night ingesting surveillance videos of the Capitol buildings and the area around the complex and are using software to compare images and faces with social media posts showing part of the chaos. In some cases, people involved in the Capitol attack posted on social media before the rally, making it clear what their plans were, which federal prosecutors can use to help file lawsuits.

Acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen and other federal officials are coordinating the response, but also facing questions about why the police seemed unprepared for the attack that in many ways had already been telegraphed by President Donald Trump and his supporters on social media.

Part of Thursday’s response includes repairing and building new, more difficult-to-break fences around the west-facing Capitol land to protect the area to be used for inauguration ceremonies in two weeks. Trump supporters can be seen swarming the stage where President-elect Joe Biden will take the oath of office.

On Wednesday, CNN reported that a law enforcement source confirmed to CNN that tubular bombs were found at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, Republican National Committee and US Capitol grounds. The source said that all devices were safely detonated by the police. A source told CNN that there may be charges related to this as well.

This story is emerging and will be updated.
