Father and son rescued after friends walk 31 miles for help

– Three people did everything they could to save a father and 10-year-old son, lost in the Australian outback this week. All five were driving through northwest Queensland on Sunday, when their car got stuck in flooded roads; they spent the night in the vehicle, reports the BBC. The following morning, the aforementioned trio left for the nearest town, 50 kilometers away. Twelve hours later, they arrived at a police station and alerted the rescue team to the location of the man and the boy.

A helicopter spotted them just before dark and they were taken to the local airport in good health, requiring no medical attention. His fellow travelers were also in good shape, officials said, praising the group for bringing enough water. They also praised the three hikers for knowing the exact location of the car, and the father and son for staying with him all the time, reports ABC News. (Read more uplifting news.)
