Fans attack David Letterman in an interview with Lindsay Lohan

  • David Letterman was criticized for a 2013 interview with Lindsay Lohan on social media.
  • Letterman nudged Lohan with “insensitive” questions about his “addiction problems” and rehabilitation.
  • Fans are praising Lohan for his response to the question line.
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David Letterman was criticized for asking “insensitive” questions about rehab and addiction during a previous interview with Lindsay Lohan.

Rumors of the controversy began on Saturday, when Twitter user Trey Taylor shared an edited clip from the 2013 interview on “The Late Show”.

Lohan, then 26, appeared on the show to promote “Scary Movie 5”, but much of the exchange focused on his next admission to rehab and his struggles with addiction.

Many people online noticed that Letterman’s questions promoted a stigma around addiction and recovery.

“Shouldn’t you be in rehab?” Letterman asked suddenly about four minutes after the interview began. He then begins to list several questions that pleased the audience in the studio.

“What are they rehabilitating? What’s on their list? What will they work on when you walk through the door,” said Letterman.

Lohan replied that “we didn’t discuss this in the pre-interview” before saying to Letterman, “I’m happier when I’m working. This is an opportunity to focus on what I love in life. I don’t think it’s a bad thing.”

Letterman continued to ask Lohan if she had “addiction problems”, which generated a noticeable pause for Lohan.

“Is it alcohol? Do you drink too much?” he asked. When Letterman tried to talk about rehab again, Lohan tried to go back to “Scary Movie 5”.

“We are here for a film. We will continue with the positive,” said Lohan, 34.

Letterman then presented a list of things that Lohan “endured” during his career, characterized in later years as tumultuous, and jokes that he planned to make about them.

“Are you okay now? It seems like people should be helping you. Do you have any money saved? Therapy? Ask yourself, why do you always have problems?” said Lohan, reading one of the jokes on Letterman’s list.

Lohan then noted that many of her mistakes came from immaturity and struggling with her family life, but she is focused on personal growth.

Letterman offered words of encouragement to Lohan, but soon tried to discuss his recovery again.

Lohan scolded Letterman briefly, saying, “You can’t joke about this. This is so cruel. No. No, we’re not going to do this. This is my show now.”

Fans were shocked by Letterman’s questions and attacked him online

After the old clip and the interview reappeared, the words “Lohan” and “Letterman” were hot on Twitter as people shared their reactions.

“David Letterman was SO DISGUSTING with Lindsay Lohan here! And everyone was laughing at her for going to rehab,” wrote actor Daniel Newman of “The Walking Dead”.

“It’s crazy to see an adult making fun of a drug addict trying to get help. So happy, Culture Loves #AA now and rehab. Everything has changed. It was so bad then, ”added Newman.

Online influencer Alisha Marie wrote that she is “in therapy every week and sees a psychiatrist for medication and the fact that many people see mental health as a joke is disgusting. It’s not just David Letterman, it’s the whole team that even even approved these questions … f — that. “

One person called the interview “vile on many levels”.

“Misogyny. The hit. The stigma of addiction and rehabilitation. The hypocrisy of wanting people to recover, but after judging how they choose to do it. I hope Lindsay Lohan knows how much she is loved. The world treated her and many others so unfairly “, they added.

Femi Oluwole, co-founder of the pro-European group Our Future Our Choice, also stepped in.

“Wow. I never knew this would happen,” he wrote. “How the hell David @Letterman still have a job !? I never expected to be angry at Lindsay Lohan, but here we are! “

Influencer Daniel Preda, who broke up with longtime boyfriend Joey Graceffa last summer, said he was in the room during the interview.

Preda wrote: “I was in the room during this interview while it was being recorded and could have cut through misogyny disguised as ‘humor’, lack of professionalism and stigma of an addict in the room with a knife. Many women, including Lindsay, deserve a big request. sorry. “

Others stopped to applaud Lohan for his sensible responses.

“As bad as Letterman is here, Lohan hits each response with an unbelievable pose,” wrote Dave Jorgenson, a video producer for the Washington Post.

The sex and culture critic Ella Dawson added, “I have … a lot of respect for how Lindsay Lohan handled Letterman’s blatant attempt to blind her and humiliate her.”

This reaction is the last celebrity recognition after the release of “Framing Britney Spears”

The sudden reckoning among journalists, the media and other celebrities was triggered by “The New York Times Presents Framing Britney Spears”, a documentary that explored the #FreeBritney movement and its continued tutelage under his father, Jamie Spears. It also touched on the misogynistic and negative treatment that Britney received from the media during her career.

Many of the consequences were directed at journalists like Diane Sawyer, who was criticized for directing sexist comments about Britney about her break with former * NYSNC leader Justin Timberlake.

She also appeared to defend comments made by Kendel Ehrlich, the then governor of Maryland’s wife, who admitted that she would “shoot Britney Spears” if she had the chance.

Justin Timberlake was the subject of intense scrutiny after fans suggested that he released negative narratives about Britney to further his solo career.

Brit and JT 2

Timberlake talked about having sex with Spears during radio interviews after the breakup.

Ron Galella, Ltd./Getty Images

In one case, Timberlake featured a Spears lookalike in his 2002 music video “Cry Me a River”, and the lyrics contained several infidelity suggestions.

More recently, Britney’s younger sister spoke in support of Britney and issued a notice to the media.

“Dear media,” wrote Jamie Lynn in her Instagram stories. “Try not to repeat the mistakes of your past. See where this has led us. Do it better.”
